
What makes people so condescending on this site?

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surly there not like that in the 'real world'?




  1. It happens to me ALL the time, in person & online. So many people hate me b/c of my Tourette's & OCD, including online strangers & my family. The symptoms are not my fault. & people lose patience with me very fast. & when people abuse me whether online or in person, verbally, or physically, other people, who I try to turn to for support & help, always say that I open myself up & put myself in the position to be physically assaulted or my feelings being hurt. People have less patience with me than what they have of other people. It's not fair at all. On the internet, don't we ALL give @ least 1 piece of info about ourselves? Why do people choose ME to pick on?

    It's pointless for me to live. I'm tired of being tortured, abused, punished, & miserable all the time. & people always agree with the abuser.  

  2. Invisibility says a lot I think in this case.

    In the real world - only if they are self-opinionated, insensitive & stupid.

    Best wishes, UK

  3. i guess it depends on what frame of mind the person sits down to the computer with. it could be they've had a rotten day and want to blow out.

  4. I am sure there are some mean spirited people there and they choose a place like this as they  have no fear of anyone confronting them.  I have found most people are kind and helpful.  But I still can see why some get annoyed and are too quick to criticize

  5. People are like that because they are hidden behind their computer screen.  I highly doubt that people would have the audacity to say the things they do on-line in person.

  6. If you can't see a person, they feel like they can be anything they want.

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