
What makes people that are rolling in money and assets so cheap? As they get older they get even cheaper.

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I know this person who is a millionaire. He is getting cheaper all the time. He would drive 50 miles to save one dollar.

He will not pay more that five bucks for a shirt.

He uses elastic bands five times before he throws them out.

He will not throw a single thing away. Even a scrap of paper has to be used over and over before throwing it out.

I could go on and on about how cheap he is. I just gave you a few examples.

He has always been like this, but it is getting worse as he gets older.




  1. Sounds more like OCD than cheap!

  2. Well you picked him. Seems your only options are put up with it or divorce. As to why he's cheap? He probably thinks him and you worked hard for the money so why squander it. I guess. Wish I had a better answer but I wonder was he always cheap or just lately?

    Define age please. I'm 57 and realize I need to stretch my funds for retirement. Maybe that's the thought behind it?

  3. Money has emotional ties for some people. The more money they have the more secure they feel. However, some people get stuck in fear and no amount of money and possessions gives them security. It sounds as though this man is a prisoner to his money.

    The Great Depression of the 1930's warped many people's views on money. My Dad was like this and was very "frugal" - ie cheap!  He has always feared running out of money to provide for himself before he dies. His decisions about the use of money are all rooted in fear.

    I have to work with myself to keep a balanced view of money as a tool, not a god.

  4. Its a bit of paranoia.

    When one becomes rich they become bombarded by lost relatives and sobbers who need/want a little of their money. At first I am sure they give some out or begin to help out those individuals. Then they wont hear from them. Not all people who want/need the money are that way. Some are truley in need.

    They also get involved with accountants to manage all that money becoming more aware of the way the money world works. Its all about 'shafting' people who are dumb enough to give it away buy spending more than is necessary.

    Given time in that enviorment it can make one bitter. Those who grew up poor and become rich begin to realize that the only reason they were poor in the first place is because they were wasting their money. In tern the fear of becomming poor again though wasting money becomes a reality and therefore calls for action and defense of ones money. They begin to spend less and buy cheap, to keep that money.  Accountants generally have fear based traits. That is why they are so good with money. It also happens that those who they work for listen to them and thus spread the traits of an accountant type.

    As for your help in that situation, just understand that the actions is based on the fear of being lower class than you are now. Most people, when they get comfortable in their way of life fear the change. He probably knows that money created that way of life and in order to keep it that way he must remain rich.

    Show that you are organized with the money and that you have a 'cap' on your spending habits. He just need reassurance that your a help in keeping the money, not a threat of losing it.

    I would not let it get to you. He believes that your a part of that 'rich' life style he is trying so hard to protect.  

  5. I guess he wouldn't have made it to millionaire status if he wasn't frugal. We should all be lucky enough to have such problems.

  6. The love of money is the root of all evil.

    Greed is a sin.

    As you get older, you know you cannot take it with you, so you become greedier and greedier........if that is a word, and you lose control..............and before you know it has taken full control of you.

    I hope things get better for you...............and you all can enjoy what you worked so hard for.

  7. Unfortunately for a person like that, money has become their God.  They covet riches of the world which shall pass away.  He should store up the riches of God's Word which shall never pass away.

  8. This is a great hardship ti live with and it sounds as though for you the doorway to open rationale is closed with him.  I don't know what I could say except, I hear your cry and I sympathize with you!  

    I live with the opposite problem  and no amount of discussion leads to a healthy agreement!  

    Sounds like phobias...compulsive disorders of some kind.  I too have spend hundreds of hours trying to figure this out.  What can you say

    to someone who won't listen to reason?  Not very much!

    Maybe you can open your heart with someone close and just vent.  Getting rid of your anger is important for your health.  Even picking up  some books on anger management does wonders.  Because when we can rid ourselves of the rage we can begin to see how to approach the various problems from a more composed mindset.  I looked int some of these techniques and they did help me in controlling my anger.  Learning too how to communicate in softer ways helped me stay less angry.  This forum  helped me in so many ways because it has given me many spiritual releases, connected me with the inner peace that our Lord wants us all to have.  Also I love how the body of Christ has built me up and encouraged me.   Marriage is supposed to be full of harmony and when one side of the partnership isn't being fair it creates a war zone and certainly taxes the other side.   This is not what Jesus wants in our homes.  

    I commend you for sharing this is not easy to feel broken...I too have deep spiritual wounds  and I know that Jesus is for me and for you.  Stay in the Spirit  and allow him to work in you.  Surprisingly I have found this peace and my husband can see it when the Lord's peace is upon me.  My problems haven't been resolved, but I am finding that the Lord is compensating me in wonderful ways.  I share this with you as a sister in the Lord and I hope it helps.  

    I think fear is at the base of many problems...people spend to much or horde too much.  Think deeply about this side of it, and you may with deep prayer find that the Holy Spirit himself gives you some extra grace in knowing how to carry yourself through this.  Sometimes I think the enemy plays on those we love and cherish.  And in some childish way the behaviour exists and carrys on in others as a way of pushing our buttons.  

    I gave some deep thought to where Jesus looked at Pontious Pilate...and said something to the effect, "YOU HAVE NO POWER EXCEPT THAT WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN YOU"   As I mediated on this truth I asked the holy Spirit to open my mind and reveal how to apply this in some of my current situations.  It has helped me in has taught me not to overreact.  By not overreacting it takes pleasure away from someone who may be sub-consciously be trying to push my buttons.  I hope you see what I mean by this.  Sometimes patterns of rebellion happens in people....we enable it by staying too focused on it.  I once said " If you are so happy in this imblance then I want you to go for it because I want you to be happy!"  This puts the focus backon them and if said in a very quiet and peaceable way it says volumes....say all with love and the composure of Christ.  And  interestingly... small changes take place...

    When we begin to fill the love bank again we can withdraw  little sums...but even  "little sums" are streams in the desert and lead to hope!  :)

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