
What makes people think other people are pretty?

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what makes people think that she

is prettier than them

ive never really understood why people think that some ppl are pretty and some are ugly

how come we don't think the ugly ppl are pretty and the pretty ppl are ugly

any explanations? thoughts? opinions?




  1. well she has really clear and pertty skin and nice facial features and the other ones just dont which makes them ugly

    no ofence


  2. Because right now we live in a materialistic world where beauty is based on who has the smoothest skin and latest styles.

    Reality sucks, doesn't it?

  3. because the other two look like guys

  4. I think the other way around. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this day in age, perfect skin, big eyes, and skinny is considered beautiful. That's not the way I work. I judge on how unique a person's look is and how confident they are. In the second picture, the girls seem to be confident enough to not edit their picture and to not spend tons of time on makeup and to just be themselves. It's all in who you are as a person.  

  5. because some people are really into the details like "oh her skin is clearer, and that just looks better", and they also think that "well she uses make-up, and she looks better than the people who don't use make-up!"... some people care more about what people look like, than what their personality is...

  6. They same way we know what foods we like and don't like. Some are pleasing, others are not.

  7. in the 1st pic she has a nice smile and good facial features while the other one has 2 girls who look like they are guys

  8. 1. It's a lot to do with how the person's features work with their face you know? The girl in the first picture's features seem to fit her face, while the girls in the second picture have too big of a jaw, chin, etc.

    2. It's how well you take care of yourself. If you took the first girl, and added a few pounds..took away the GALLONS of make-up she has on her face, she'd look just as plain as the other girls do. The same works both ways. If the two girls were dressed up nice with some make-up on, and maybe lost a few pounds, they'd look just as gorgeous!

    3. It's what other people find attractive. Some people wouldn't find the first girl attractive at all! Maybe they don't like pale skin, or some people like smaller noses, or big blue eyes. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

    That's just a few reasons I picked off the top of my head. :)

  9. Are you serious? The first girl is very feminine and they other two look like guys. In order to be pretty you have to have proportional features and be feminine  

  10. a generally "pretty" face is made up of good genetics and mathematics.

    Some people just have more "appealing" facial features and that's why some people are models and most others arent. But everyone is pretty to someone.  

  11. it all depends with the person. in the eyes of God no one is ugly because as it was stated in the Bible he created us in his own image. but in reality there are people who are ugly and there are people who are pretty.

    "how come we don't think the ugly people are pretty and the pretty people are ugly"

    it is just a logic let us put it in simpler terms with a conclusion.

    Ugly people are pretty

    but pretty people are ugly

    therefore there is nothing to follow.

    it really depends on who is thinking and saying that. there are people who think that they are beautiful but others are not enchanted by their beauty which would be concluded as ugly and vice verse

  12. ovbouisly she has clear skin nice facial features and the other gurls have pimples no offense i opinons  

  13. she has nice eyes,clear face, and pretty eyes..i umm dunno bout the other ones.. some people just grab ur eyes by thier atrractiveness and some people dont. it all depends on ur taste!  

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