
What makes so many people scared of homeschoolers?

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Could it be their bread is buttered through other educational options? Could it be that they feel guilty for taking the easy route with their own children?lol




  1. Having homeschooled 3 kids to high school graduation I can say that at times I met disapproval from "traditionals" who believe that social graces are more important than academics.  Schools have too few teachers so they have begun compensating for failed students with a tendency to go for the docile "behavior" that is brought about by drugs. That's the influence of psychiatry in our school system.  There is a false idea that a parent has to have a college education or be trained in psychology to be a home school parent.  

    Back to that idea again of it's the schools that teach our children to be a part of society, and not the parents.

    I don't understand the problem really. You'd think the overloaded schools would be thrilled for the help.  It must be the money the schools get for having a certain number of students.

  2. Because we ARE scary. ;D

    Would you like an actual analysis as to why? People are afraid of what's different--it's a self-protection mechanism. It serves all animals quite well in self-preservation. Those afraid of homeschoolers, who show any sort of adverse reaction, are usually those who aren't willing to go beyond the initial impression and to think rationally. They THINK they are thinking rationally when they let themselves say things like, "Homeschoolers must not have any social skills because they are at home all the time," but aren't willing to critically think about their false assumption that (all) homeschoolers stay home all the time.

    I guess it's a long way to explain what could have been put a little more simply: because they don't think logically enough about it.

    (Of course, I do truly believe there are people out there whose adverse reactions are self-ego-protection because they do feel like their upbringing or what they chose for their kids is being attacked. But it does all still go back to self-preservation!)

  3. anything out of the ordinary scares people

    i'm not sure why

    but it's really annoying, i went to highschool, then chose to homeschool.. i was popluar and had freinds, well liked, school was great! i just got tired of wasting time in school and i have horses haha so i wanted to ride more, and homeschool gave me that option =)

    and most people/parents don't know that THEY don't have to BE SMART to homeschool a child! lol the kids do al the work the parents just oversee it.. (not in all cases) and usually the older the kid the easier it is to hoemschool so don't give me c**p about how hard it is to homeschool a highschooler

    there are SO  many programs, with teachers to personlly help the students online homeschool is becoming a big thing now =)

    people are silly Oh noes! here come a homeschooled kid! watch out! she's going to each you alive with her weird brain.. yeah i wish people would stop being so immuature just cuz someone does something they aren'ts used to

    haha yeah it kinda pisses me off, i'm sorry i was kinda venting

  4. I think people are leary of homeschoolers because 1) the parent (teacher) did not go to school for education; 2) homeschooled children seem to get less social interaction than public or private schooled children, so often are socially awkward when entering high school age; 3) home schooled children are exposed to a much more narrow scope of ideas than children who go to school and have exposure to many different teachers.

    I'm not necessarily saying these things are true for all, or even most home schooled children, but I've seen similar effects on people I have known.

  5. Glurpy... thank you for sticking up for us, you have a truely accurate opinion and I respect it greatly. I have been homeschooled my whole life and plan to until I get to college.

    People like tigil22 just dont get it.

    Keep up the great answers!

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