
What makes some math teachers so d**n crazy?

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most math teacher are divine, but once in a while some are just pure evil.... why do they teach?




  1. I teach six grade math and am often faced with students who are more than three grade levels behind, never do there work , in school or at home, and seem to think that I am and I quote "Doing to much" when I expect them to be quiet while the others are trying to work.  Sometimes it amazes me that I haven't gone after world domination just to change how pubic education works. So yes to those students I seem evil.

  2. To earn money to live.

    How they are at school could be very different to how they are out of school.

    Hope I helped :)

  3. I teach secondary mathematics that mean i can teach any thing from pre-algebra to calculus.  I think that you should not put all of us in the same category.  My students have a great time in class.  I always tried to  make  my math classes relative to my student and give them examples of everyday uses for the  math.

    I think that those math teachers u fined pure evil that is a part of their personality.  That person probaobly  grew up with a bad atittude ;this had nothing  to do with being a math teacher.  They have miserable lives and therefore wants you to feel like they feel.

    So tried to have a litte compassion for that poor soul. Show kindness and understanding and maybe they might reciprocate.

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