
What makes some men like obesity?

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There seems to be a very significant number, so is there any genetic reason for some men to be attracted to obese woman? For example, a lot of men like wide hips because they subconsciously know that it'll make childbirth easier.

Not saying it's wrong, for those of you who take offense to everything, I'm just curious.




  1. Just personal taste. Why do some men like red headed women? Why do some women like dark haired men?

  2. Historically food has been a lot harder to get than it is today, so an ability to gain weight was a healthy advantage that she might pass on to his/her offspring.

  3. Same reason that some people like blondes, or redheads, or people of a certain race. Just personal preference. Like the song says, "everybody loves somebody sometime"

  4. skinny chicks are un healthy... a bigger girl is healthy plus she can stand colder weather in the winter time, and keeps up with my eating habbits

  5. we all have our own preferences, where i'm from, men like big women, so you'll see the skiniest men with the biggest women. to each his own, whatever makes an indiviual happy i say go for it.

  6. I think the answers given are for the most part correct, but the way you use the word 'obesity' is troubling.  I'm confused as to whether you're trying to sound smarter than you actually are by using a word that sounds 'smart' or you just truly don't know the gravity of the word.

    Obesity refers to the condition of people who are 'excessively fat' or overweight to the point that it negatively affects their health.  Obesity does not refer to 'child-bearing hips.'

  7. " Very significant numbers? " I suggest you look at the real data instead of some social science assertive data.

    This preference, world wide and on average, is tail behavior. Well past the point of the third standard deviation from the mean.

  8. I can't explain it. I am attracted to various women of all sizes and shapes. I just love women that much! I think guys who are attracted to women who are bigger are fascinated at all the vast s**y curves!

  9. If you're talking morbid obesity (100 pounds over ideal weight), I don't know. Maybe their moms looked that way, or maybe they like the comfort level of really big women (like a big, cozy bean chair).

    If you're talking being overweight by, say, 20-30 pounds, with women it adds more to the T&A, which is always nice. It sometimes makes the face rounder and less wrinkled and seem more inviting.

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