
What makes some people just have so much charisma surrounding them?

by Guest33614  |  earlier

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is it that they are just totally relaxed and chill or what?




  1. They are born extroverts, grew up in an environment that made them comfortable in social situations.

    Now for the guy who said Hitler wasn't charismatic:

    First off, like most people I hate Hitler more than anyone in history

    Second, saying Hitler wasn't Charismatic..... lol he is regarded by many as the greatest public speaker of all time, watch a video of anyone of his speeches and you will see the crowd literally hypnotized by him, you think he got an entire country to follow his every will and command and murder 10 million people without charisma?

  2. It is just part of who they are....there is no real explanation

  3. Take Adolf Hitler for example:

    * A man who is 5'4" and a bit overweight.

    * A man who screamed alot .

    * He was not charismatic

    verus let us say Winston Chamberlin:

    * A man who was 5'7" and husky.

    * Great speaker

    * He had charisma

  4. Think of all the people with charisma and what they ave in common and realize that what make people have charisma

  5. You are woman be proud of that, you have morals and discipline yourself be proud of that, you have many opportunities available to you to be whatever you want to be be proud of that, you are kind hearted be proud of that, you keep yourself clean and well-groomed be proud of that, you listen when people talk to you and you make them feel important be proud of that, you smile when at times you want to cry be proud of that, you are helpful without being asked be proud of that, you always say nice things about others and never gossip be proud of that, you are polite and honest without being cruel be proud of that, you, .........Charisma is in you just waiting for you to experience it, it will surround you like magic, very special and rewarding.....a gift you give yourself.

    Good Luck To You

  6. it's their nature

  7. Self confidence, plain and simple.

    An understanding that you are truly in control of your own destiny, and the temerity to act upon it.

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