
What makes some people so hard to forget? (Even when we know we should?)?

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What makes some people so hard to forget? (Even when we know we should?)?




  1. could be a few things. desire makes someone hard to forget, or it could be that you keep exposing yourself to them or things about them that recall the memories. some people make a really strong impression on us and they are unforgettable!

  2. Some people are so hard to forget, because we just can't let go. Our subconscious mind holds on, even though we want to let go. Those people do and say  things that are so hard to erase from our memory. We want them to be, but we just can't seem to be able to. Things that they've said and done, just nag at your brain, and if you keep thinking about them in any way, you'll not be able to get rid of them.


  3. They become addictive, even when you know they're not good for you, you just keep on going back because you can't resist their appeal to you.  Impossible to say why we find some people so appealing and not others, just a chemistry thing I guess.  If you tried to explain it to someone, they most likely wouldn't see the attraction.

  4. because something about them made u think of them,either good or bad

  5. There may have been some very positive qualities they possessed that stood out over and above any negative traits they had.  We may have only wanted to see the good in them and we chose to see little if any of the bad.  We couldn't see the forest for the trees because we were too involved to see the overall picture.  Only when we can step away and view the entire relationship without an emotional attachment can we then begin to evaluate it's quality.

    Any pleasantness we experienced in the relationship is embedded in our memory and we don't want to let go of it.  We want to re-experience it over and over even if we can do so only in our mind.  When we mentally revisit an event, we keep it foremost in our mind and it never gets a chance to leave our memory or to even be put back on a lower shelf.

    Fighting off thoughts of the past is a real battle especially if they were pleasant but, it is necessary in order to move forward on to more worthwhile and longer lasting pursuits.

    All the best.



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