
What makes someone a 'chino' or 'china'?

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Okay I'm not Asian but in Peru kept getting called china or chinita. I even saw non-Asian looking people being called this? I know someone like Fujimori is considered 'chino' but why do they call non-Asian looking people chinos? Is it just because someone has small eyes regardless eg. Renee Zellwegger or Catherine Zeta-Jones.




  1. VR is absolutely right, not Estrato seis. In Peru everyone with asian features (eyes) is called chino, whether he is japanese, korean or chinese. Chino is not "guy" or  "boy" in Peru, is a friendly nickname for anyone with slanted eyes.

  2. It is a bad custom that, we latinos have.  We called every one that has their eyes in shape of an oval, chino for male and china for female.  That is probably because we are not educated to know that not every asian is from China.  For example the the name Fujimori is Japanese not chinese.

    People from Peru some have their eyes a little slant, and so immediately Latin cultures tend to say you look like a chinito, or chinita. meaning, you look like some one from china.  Keep in mind that people from China, their last name is one syllable, for example, lee, wong, lim, etc.

  3. its maybe because you have small eyes...ask the people that call you that why they ask you that. dont be scared!!! face your fears!

  4. You are way off base. Chino is simply guy. Its an informal greeting. Chino, China, are for young adults (teen age ish) and chinito and chinita are more often reserved for children. It has nothing to do with race whatsoever.

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