
What makes someone a good person?

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What makes someone a good person?




  1. "Good" is many things to many people. I think a good person is kind hearted a loyal friend, trust worthy, looks out for others, gives of themselves, tries not to gossip or put down, and usually is an encourager to lift others up. They generally try to get along with everyone.

  2. Thats a very good question. I would say it depends on how your values, views and morals are. Everyone is different. Now with me a truthful, pure hearted, sweet personality, caring, nonselfish and true person is a very good person. I hope this helps  

  3. someone who puts others ahead of themselves.

  4. someone who loves themselves, and who acts out of love, speaks with love and has love at the core of their thoughts.

  5. I think a good person is someone who loves Jesus , and seeks the lord and try's to treat people with the same love that Christ has shone them ,grace mercy forgiveness and honesty , all = a good person be blessed  

  6. Kindness, listening, compassion and a sense of humor! No complaining helps too.

  7. Useful questions.


  8. I believe there is "good" in all of us.  It's whether or not we let it show to others.  Some people show good by doing for others less fortunate, others may make donations to a certain charity they believe in and others are always wearing a smile, hopeing that they can make others smile.  We all have different ways of showing kindness in one way or another.  I think we have too have to look for the good in a person, before we assume they are bad.

  9. A "good" person consists of the kindness he shows YOU. Another individual may badmouth that person, but if he has done you a huge favor or saved you from any kind of trouble, he certainly is considered a GOOD person.

  10. I believe that waht makes a good person is the willingness to give of oneself to others.

  11. In my opinion it would be qualities like these.

    Is kind and considerate of other people and their feelings. Is honest and trustworthy, doesn't lie, cheat or steal. Just plain has good character.

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