
What makes someone a working class hero?

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Who defines them as such?

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  1. First of all, they can't be a Green Day fan.

    Secondly, since others on here don't know, a "working class" individual is someone who may have a "blue collar" job such as a carpenter, plumber, contractor, etc..., it also can just be someone in a non management position in a basic job that is middle to lower class.

  2. The reference is of course to the John Lennon song.

    The working class hardly holds a position of power within society - the positions connoted here (blue collar) mean that they're often disadvantaged in terms of salary, benefits, etc. and their families might get stuck in a vicious cycle of low education.

    Because they don't hold positions of power (unless they come together, but that's a story for another day), their views and needs are disregarded by politicians and other authorities, who prefer to just keep them quieted, "Keep you doped with religion and s*x and TV" (Lennon's line referring to Karl Marx's famous quote).

    Being a "Working Class Hero" then would refer to someone sticking up for the underprivileged (whether from within the group or not), not willing to simply take what was given to them, but willing to fight for better conditions.  

    Importantly, the term also seems to bring about a romantic image of the working class that is steeped in populism and the idea that even the smallest, simplest jobs contribute to the greatness of society.

    - - -

    As for who defines them as such, well, it's hardly an official term.  I'd argue that the "working class" don't see themselves as a class/group, or disadvantaged to the point where they'd need a "hero."  To say that they need to be "saved" sounds quite arrogant.  

    All of which goes to say that it would likely be someone from outside of the group, relating somewhat to their weak position of power but also aware and possibly critical of that very power structure...  which likely means middle class.

  3. If you are into marketing and you bring in sales/money, you are automatically  classified an hero by your boss.

    In short, when you exel in your profession, you are classified as an hero by your higher authorities.

  4. I was born in the early 1960's so I guess i'd say check out the

    lyrics for   " Working Class Hero "  by John Lennon.

    Sorry  , can't post a link here .

  5. Our armed forces our police fire ambulance staff and our nurses and doctors all working class heros to me!!

  6. A working class hero is someone who works with his hands for a living (typically called 'blue collar'), but places humanitarianism above all else, sometimes  above his paycheck or even his life.

  7. Someone who is working a tough job, long hours, and doing anything that they can to support their wife and child.

    That is the classic definition at any rate.

  8. grassroots. and success.

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