
What makes someone popular in high school???

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i'm going into a high school where i won't know anyone.... Help!!!




  1. "popular" has different meanings to different people! some people see it as cheerleaders and jocks that are mean to everyone and act like they own the school! to me being popular means you have a lot of friends and you are really nice to everyone! just be nice to everyone and people will like you. it's not all about being popular as long as you have real friends who like you for who you are! good luck!

  2. If you try hard to be popular as a freshman, everybody's going to notice, everybody's going to know you're a freshman, and people will hate you.

    Don't try to be popular, just be yourself and meet people with the same interests as you. Say hi to the person you sit next to in class to start, and work your way up.

  3. you shouldn't aim to be popular. just be yourself, work hard, put yourself out there to help others and join clubs/activities. you'll meet a lot of people that way. and if you make friends with people who are like you... you'll be your own kind of popular. the entire high school doesn't have to love you.

  4. Do NOT worry about being popular in high school.  School's starting in a few weeks and I know you're probably scared of being the new kid.  Don't be.  Be yourself, I cannot stress that enough.  If you just be yourself, care about getting good grades, and ignore the whole "popular" thing, you'll be more successful in life.  Those kids who everyone calls "popular" will be losers one day, remember that.

    As Demi Lovato once said, " I was always worried about being popular. Wow, if I had a chance to do it over again, I'd so rather be a nerd than be popular -- it's so much less stressful and you can be yourself."

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