
What makes someone ugly?

by Guest64609  |  earlier

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like when you first look at someone what makes you classify them as ugly ?




  1. if the have a fu--ed up attitude or if they are seriously disfigured or have rotted teeth or something.... and i hate a cocky *** attitude

  2. Their personality actually has a lot to do with it some people who are really mean are ugly

  3. someone that looks different  in a funny way  eg: weird hair

  4. Cankles?  Fat-back? Stomach spilling over the waist?  Lady stache? Hair growing out of a moley moley? More chins than a Chinese phone book? Tiger Woods divot out of the chin? Marty Feldman eyes? Uni-brow? Hair knuckles?  

  5. I don't know maybe, there appearance, something they don't like.

    <--Lol Am i clasifyed as ugly?


  6. Judging someone based on the physical look before knowing the person from the inside or what their personality and character is all about, is shallow, self centered, and ugly themselves for passing an unfair judgment.

    Beauty is certainly not only skin deep. Beauty comes from within.

  7. i dont know cause i dont judge them until i meet them. I classify ugly by personality:)

  8. I think what makes someone ugly, is their personality. It doesn't matter about the "outside" look. You could have the world ‘s most beautiful woman/man, and dislike  her/him because your personalities clash. It is all in how you perceive the world...and if you perceive it in a bad way, you are ugly. Anyone who perceives it beautifully is not ugly at all...

    and a few more examples:

    People who lie, manipulate and hurt others only to stroke their own egos.

    People who have no heart or soul.

    People who mislead and misrepresent themselves.Being self centered and/or self absorbed

    Rudeness and lack of consideration in general.

  9. that's really hard to answer...mostly eyebrows i guess. i'm not into huge eyebrows.

  10. The inability for someone to accept themselves or how they look, it's a bit of a confidence thing i guess. But I would never think of them like that unless they are a rude person with a bad attitude..

  11. These are my opinions on what makes women ugly:

    1. Flab or fat.

    2. Huge eyebrows.

    3. Blue eyes.

    4. Blonde hair.

    5. No ***.

    6. One of those hairstyles when it's obvious they are trying to be black.

    7. Bad teeth.

    8. No personality.

    Hurrah for thumbs down!

  12. No one is really ugly... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but I would say I think some people have strange features that make them look funny (in my opinion)

  13. Over acting.

  14. I dont know, someone funny looking, but their are more people with ugly personalities!


  15. If they are cruel, have a mean disposition, no conscious, cold hearted, and bitter, then they are ugly personality wise that is.

  16. Face. If they have an ugly face it's all over.

    It's funny but humans judge people by their looks. It's passed down thru evolution. One could tell how likely they could pass on their genes by determing if a person was sickly (and considered unattractive) or might have something wrong with them (considered unattractive). They also judged by their looks if they seemed healthy (it's why woman tan, have a "glow" on their face, a healthy look).

    You'd be suprised we haven't changed much. Read "Evolution of Desire". It's a HUGE eye opener. It'll even help you in a relationship and explain why people do the things they do to attract others. :)

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