
What makes something a cult?

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I don't mean occult...I mean a cult.




  1. That seems like a question for sociology and perhaps the religious to answer, though I'm sure almost every one has an opinion on what qualifies as a cult and what does not. It is a subjective opinion in many ways. One man's religion will be another man's cult. Many Christian fundamentalists regard Mormonism as a cult, but ask any Mormon and they'll tell you different. I can cite the dictionary definition of cult but I'm sure that's not what you're looking for.

  2. A cult is the result of a powerful method of teaching something (usually a religious practice) by creating a sense of wonder and excitement based on the knowledge gained. In nearly every case, the cult appears to be something well-known and accepted - at least on the surface. Subtle twists and changes to commonly accepted ideas are presented as "special knowledge" to the subject being brainwashed, which makes it easier to accept the overall deception with the expectation of gain. (Remember - Satan lied about the apple...) This usually results in some monetary or sexual benefit for the leaders of the cult, and careful examination of the teaching will reveal a reversal or outright departure from the initial doctrine given. This paradox is part of the "surprise factor" that stuns the brainwashed subject into submission and subsequent service

    based on "behavior modification". Simply described, it is "reward or punishment for actions" association. It was used on you as a child whenever you were being commended or chastised for your behavior. If you suspect that you are involved in a cult, you must leave immediately! Do not attempt  to confront leadership or other people within the organization.

  3. If it is exploitive, demands large amounts of money, demands that you move or disconnect from your family, demands that you do not question the leaders or the teachings, it is a cult.

    Examples would include the Church of $cientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Moonies.

    Anonymous has declared war on the Church of Scientology – ask them why

  4. a cult is any religious group that diverges from the most important Orthodox Christian Teachings found in the Bible.  Cults always do one or all of these 5 things.

    1. they diminish God in his character.  They teach that God is not quite as Wise, Holy, Good, or Powerful as the Bible teaches.

    2. They elevate man in his character.  They teach that man is really not quitle all that bad after all.  Man is basically good but was corrupted by the devil.  The Bible teaches that man is basically selfish currupt and evil even without the devil in the picture.

    3.  They minimize the problem of man's sinnfulness.  The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death and h**l is the ultimate destination of all sinners.  Many cults will minimize this or even say that h**l does not really exist.

    4.  They compromise the authority of the Bible and say it is not really and completely God's Word or they add other writings to the list of scriptures and put those on equal footing with the Bible.

    5.  They minimize the Character of Jesus who's shed blood is the sacrifice for mans sin.  Jesus according to the Bible was and is the Messiah, God with us, God in the flesh, born of a virgin, He had no earthly father,  lived a sinnless life even though He was tempted like we are.  became the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross.  Then he rose again from the dead to once and for all conquere sin, the devil, all evil including death and h**l.  Many cults say Jesus was not divine, or he was not actually sinless, or that he did not actually die on the cross, just fainted or went into a comma, or that he did not really rise again from the dead.

  5. Denie, you really have a way of digging down to the key fundamental questions.

    A cult (in the religious sense) is defined as a religious group with unorthodox beliefs.  Other definitions *can* include the presence of a charismatic leader, a requirement for participants to sever outside contact and to turn over all personal assets to the cult.  It seems no one has been able to define the word in a manner satisfactory to all.

    Looking around you'll notice no one ever says the group they belong to is a cult.  As such, it's likely the appellation won't be recognized by those upon whom it is bestowed.  It's never an "us" name, but a "them" name.

    I had Protestant Christian friends who spoke of Romney's Mormonism as a problem.  My response was, "Sure the Mormons are strange, but so are you guys.  We only notice them because they haven't been around as long."  So if you ask me a cult is just a religion people haven't grown accustomed to yet.

  6. If it is my mythology I call it my religion. Others are just cults. Now this definition is very much what everyone uses.  Nobody sees their own religion as a cult these days. At one time the Jesuits called themselves the cult of Jesus. But now that the word cult denotes something bad nobody agrees that their own is a cult.

    Cult came from culture, typically as in sub-culture.

    Every religion however is a sub-culture. Some have sub cultures within them.

    Cults mostly display the characteristic today of thought control to some degree. Suspension of incredulity as it deepens places the group deeper and deeper into cult status. Feeling that one must believe things as an act of virtue is the knot that binds.

    That is however a fact that those in a cult will not see it as a cult because it is never cult like to acknowledge 'the truth'. It is only bad if you are believing the wrong junk.

  7. A "cult" does not have the political or financial power of a "religion".

    It is sort of Religion Lite (with suicide).

  8. It's usually based on some kind of religion, and the members are people that base their entire lives upon the rules set in this religion. Usually the rules for members of a cult do not follow rules in society or the laws. Also it's secretive, and sacred. They usually have secluded places to live and to worship. Anyone outside of the cult cannot know about it or associate with anyone who is a member.

  9. iF uR wOrshiping a false god..

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