
What makes the SAT so hard?

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I also hear there is an SAT II and this new thing called ACT, what are these and how are they scored? Back on point, what makes the test so hard? The highest scores are an 800 on all three parts, for a total of 2,400, a perfect score. I will be taking them next year or senior year and want to get a perfect score. Should I try the Princeton Review tutoring program? Any useful information would help me.




  1. Tutoring programs are overrated - get a couple of test prep books, actually do them, and you should be fine. Princeton Review publishes books that are pretty accurate difficulty level wise; Barron's publishes books that are slightly to moderately more difficult. I'd recommend getting Barron's books, just because it's better to be overprepared than underprepared.

    As for the other tests, the ACT is overall easier than the SAT, but you may have to answer each question more quickly. The ACT has a science section, and a non-mandatory writing section; the SAT has no science section and a mandatory writing section. The SAT II's are 1-hour-long subject tests, for example, in Math, Chemistry, Latin, US History, etc. Many colleges will require that you take at least two SAT IIs along plus either the original SAT, or the ACT with writing.

  2. Most schools now adays take the SAT and the ACT.  Im not too sure about the SAT II.  Here is some helpful information you might want to know:

    1.  If you take the SAT or ACT 3 times or less, your highest score for each category will be listed for your SAT score when it is sent out to the colleges.

    2.  Take a prep course.  I improved my score 200 points for the SAT after I took the course.

    3.  Know that the test is only hard if you are dumb or if you don't know how to take tests.

    Good Luck :)

  3. Get old papers and attend mock tests conducted by any inistitutiom,and develop self confidense. I think self efforts are better than oters.

  4. Most people believe these tests are hard because they ask you questions that you are normally used to in different ways. Instead of asking you what 2 + 2 equals to, they might ask you what is added to 2 to make 4. This is just an example. The questions are much harder than this, of course. And as for practicing for these tests, the best way is to do countless practice tests so you can get the hang of them. A personal tutoring program is really not necessary. GL.

  5. ok wow take a breath sophy!

    don't set such ridiculously high standards for yourself. getting a 2400 is near impossible. aim for an extremely respectable 2200 if you must.

    sats are hard b/c:

    a) you must prepare during the hardest yr of high school

    b) the tests contains things not learned at school

    c) VOCAB

    d) the questions are not straightfoward

    Take the PSAT offered in october and see how you do (although it doesnt compare)

    Moving along, the SAT 2 is a specialized hour long test on one subject. Only top top colleges require them, they require 2 or 3, along with the SAT. They are very hard, and you must do very well (650+). This also requires much time out of school.

    The ACT is a replacement for the SAT. Some people find it easier. If you want, try it and see if you do better.

    OF COURSE, hello! They are tons of books to prep for every single kind of test. And courses too. A lot of people even have private tutors like myself.

    You can take these tests any time they're offered. Commonly, people take the SAT in May, and SAT2's in June and then October of Senior Year

  6. the stress is what makes it so hard.

    so just stay calm, and get a goood nite sleep the day before the tests.

    {{i havnt taken the test yet, this is from my brother}}

    we are not sure how it is scored.


    good luck!!

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