
What makes the conservatives feel they are the "real" Americans?

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I see it in post after post that the real americans will show the liberals. Is there a reason to think that one citizen is more real than any other?




  1. Republicans are realist - don't know if conservatives are

  2. The God told them that they are the “real” Americans. The rest is terrorists and traitors.

  3. it's the propaganda wall they've built up...

    everything they like to do... they call it American... everything else... un-American...

    so then if you have people different than you... you can call them un-American... so what they say will be discredited in your mind...

    and you don't have to listen to anyone, except for those that say what you want to hear...

  4. You know they wave flags, buy stickers. Just about anything that does not require sacrifice.  

  5. I don't know.  I'm a pretty staunch conservative, but I make an honest effort every day to include the opinions and attitudes of liberals in my world.  If we all thought the same way and acted the same way, it would be an awfully boring world.

    Besides, without liberalism, there would be nothing with which to define conservatism.  Therefore, the way I see it, conservatives could not exist unless there were liberals.  So... bring it on, fellas.

  6. First and foremost, were all americans. These are neo-conservatives you speak of. Are they worse than liberals? Thats a coin toss. Neither party seems to care about this country.

  7. Every one knows that Republicans spend time on the phone with God.

    And since, according to them, God always approves their points of view and their plans for the rest of us, they want to put this message at the bottom of their ads:

    "I'm God, and I approved this message"

    Of course, there is a ward in Bellevue with a whole buncha people who think the same thing.

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