
What makes the current global warming?

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what makes the current global warming trend different from normal climate cycles of the past?




  1. Nothing!!! When a volcano erupts the earth over time clears it up and this is no different! We should do more to keep from polluting and keep the environment clean and recycle but the earth will always go through cycles in the environment! Who fought the forest fires in the north west of the United States when the Indians roamed the land? That's right the coast guard!------Wrong! No one! Global warming is hype just like the sky is falling!

  2. Climate has always changed since the earth has been around, just roll with it, It will keep changing no matter what we do.

  3. there is no such thing as global warming. This is just something that people made up to make more money. Just look at Gore's house. His movie is a total lie.

  4. THE INVISIBLE FORCE FIELD LIKE (THE INVISIBLE FORCE FIELD=OZONE) is being weakened by an outside highly developed intelligence so that all glaciers melt into fresh water and cause excessives storms that are destroying all life. now the flight in space is the same as flying under water and as is the whales are dieing off due to lack of finding food=their food has more room to hide. about 20 to 50 whales are dieing each year.

  5. why do you accept the statement that there has been any warming?

    have you checked the temperature data for the last 5 or 10 years? do a little research before you accept these "facts"

    if some one asked you why the sky was green, wouldn't you look out the window to see if it was still blue?

    too many people assume these people know what their talking about without checking.

    that's how the alarmists stay in business.

  6. The amount of global warming deniers here is quite startling, but what the global warming scientist say is the reason for man made warming is that these increases are much faster than normal.

    The NASA website listed the warmest global years on here. I think this is a year or two old however.

    Never let a denier tell you that warming is not occurring because in any given 1 year it was very cold. Global warming and or cooling are both long term trends, taking many many years of data to show how the trend is really moving.

    And neither is the temperature in any one given area. Just because one area is abnormally cold, does not mean that the rest of the world is very hot. Temperature variations depend on the weather in the area.

    And the sun is not heating up anymore, in the 1990s the sun reached a top energy emission, and has since stabilized at that amount.

  7. there's not much difference act.. climate trends change naturally from warmer to cooler.. i took a trip to Alaska in January to do crabin on a commercial fishing boat. captain Charles Olson who has been fishing in Alaska for 22 years said "it hasn't been this cold in 10 years, i haven't seen the ice pack this far south since i can remember" quote strait from his mouth. there is no serious global warming, just climate trends..

  8. The difference is the speed of the change a couple of hundred years if you take the start of the industrial revolution as the starting point. Natural change happens over many thousands of years.

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