
What makes the difference between an animal and a human?

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Apart from the traits we share with non-humans mammals?

Don't mention the power of the word. Many animal species have much more efficient communication systems than we as humans have.




  1. Animals seldom murder each other.  Humans sometimes do.

  2. Well, Animalia is the kingdom to which Humans, primates, dogs, cats, hamsters, and all other animals belong.

    Humans are just one variety of animals, and as you point out- not the best in all respects.

  3. Humans live by logic. Animals live by instinct alone.

  4. If there is righteousness in the heart,

    There will be beauty in the character.

    If there is beauty in the character,

    There will be harmony in the home.

    If there is harmony in the home,

    There will be order in the nation.

    When there is order in the nation,

    There will be peace in the world."

    - Sathya Sai Baba -

  5. I think there are 2 fundamental differences: -

    1. Far greater intelligence - have you ever heard of dolphin scientists working on trying to split the atom? Or chimpanzees playing chess at a high level?

    2. We have a highly evolved thumb which enables us to have greater manual dexterity than any other creature.

    Man is the king of the beasts without a shadow of doubt!

  6. There is no difference, humans are just another species of animal. One that has developed a sense of arrogance.

  7. We are animals.

    Humans only differ in degree, not kind. We have no unique behaviours to distinguish ourselves from animals. We are just one or two levels smarter than the rest.

  8. I would say that we have an extra awareness and the ability to use it.  Self awareness is not enough because I do believe animals have different degrees of that.  Logic would fall under the ability to use.  Some animals seem to kill for plenty of different reasons.  Lastly, Some of my cats seem like they mate for unneccesary reasons.  It seems to me to be caused by hand to eye coordination.

  9. Your eyes and ears, and what's between them.

  10. humans are well behaved animals.

    but  really my little dog has a nicer nature than most humans.

  11. I think the answer, at least from a scientific perspective, is self awareness.  Not many other animals have been shown to be self aware - they have done experiments on chimps where they showed the chimps a reflection of themselves in a mirror.  They then put a red sticker on their heads without them knowing and showed them the reflection again.  The chimps did seem to realise it was them, pulling the sticker off their own heads, so they had some knowledge of self awareness.  Only higher primates can do this (and some claim elephants can, although evidence is shaky at best).

    It is hard to really measure self awareness as you can probably see - but that is the closest thing your going to get as far as differences between animals and human.

    A lot of people might say intelligence but that is only measured from a human perspective - after all, what is intelligence?  A human term measured against human values.  It may be that all animals (including humans) have evolved to the level of intelligence necessary to survive in their environment - a human may be able to drive a car for instance but not many humans would survive long at the bottom of the ocean!

  12. the differences is human has brain and has a logic mind of what to do and don't..but animals only has brain but it does not think logically.

  13. Humans are a kind of animal.  We merely have a variety of skills while other animals have specialized in one or two.  I agree that non-human animals have good communication systems.  I also note that though man has been called the predicting animal, we use animals to do our predicting sometimes (like cutting horses in cow-herding).  Man has also been called the classifying animal but clearly animals understand possession and othering.  I also think it is silly to point to a particular bodily form as "ours" like the thumb and say that it makes humans better.  It makes us different, just like a kinkajou's tail and a parrot's claws.

  14. Probability that some human beings have one very unique tendency!Some take care of their young for a greater period of time than any other creature.

    In animal kingdom the relationship between parents and offspring ends when offspring are strong enough to fend for themselves.

    Funny isn't it? How close we sometimes come to imitating the rest of the creatures that inhabit this planet!

  15. I cant imagine that animals have religion Like most of us retarded monkeys

  16. Humans only think they know better!

  17. humans use symbols.

  18. We are animals, so I'm not sure what you mean?

    I would say our apposable (sp) thumbs make the biggest difference. (So we could evolve using tools..building...etc).  I believe we are the only species that fornicates solely for pleasure, also.

  19. Freedom. Animals are more free than we are.

    They might live in communities but not bound to obey social laws like us.

    They don't use tools like we do.

    They don't cook food as we do.

    Except primates and some monkeys all animals are quadrupets.

  20. i consider a human to be a type of animal, like bear, dog, tiger etc human is the name of the animal/species

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