
What makes the grass green?

by Guest61903  |  earlier

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What makes the grass green?




  1. All plants have organelles called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll which is green. It absorbs light of all colors except green and uses it to make energy for the plant but it reflects green so that's the color we see.

  2. Chlorophyll.

    The chlorophyll molecule is present in all green vegetative matter; grass, leaves ferns etc.

    Chlorophyll is the site in green matter that together with sunlight/UV light and water converts CO2 to oxygen and biomass.!!!!

    This process of photosynthesis.

  3. Grass, and other plants, are green because of a chemical in them called chlorophyll.

    Chlorophyll is the chemical that allows plants to make their own food using energy from sunlight.  Plants don't eat like we do, so they have to make nutrients inside their bodies.

  4. Cuz the other colours were taken! Haha! Um, actually I think it is the nutrients in the soil...and sunlight.  Not so sure.

  5. Photosynthesis............................. DUH

  6. i think its the same thing that makes leaves green      chlorophyl

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