
What makes the heart unique?

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What makes the heart unique?




  1. The fact that a bar of chocolate can cure a broken one?

  2. it is the only place in the human body where cardiac muscle is found.  cardiac muscle is:

    A type of muscle found only in the walls of the heart; it is under control of the autonomic nervous system. Cardiac muscle is like skeletal muscle in that it is striated and multinucleate, and like smooth muscle in that the nuclei are centrally located and many cells are required to span the length of the muscle. It differs from both skeletal muscle and smooth muscle in that its cells branch and are joined to one another via intercalated disks. Intercalated disks allow communication between the cells such that there is a sequential contraction of the cells from the bottom of the ventricle to the top. This makes possible the maximal ejection of blood from the ventricle during contraction and occurs without nervous innervation to each cell or group of cells.  

  3. specialised cardiac muscle found only in the heart?

    edit - the person above me just explained more fully what I am too hungover to say.....

  4. the base is at the top?

  5. Well you only have one. (Just like everybody else)

  6. The sinoatrial node..  

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