
What makes the pen stronger than a sword?

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between knowledge (pen) and violence (sword) . Can someone please help me by giving examples why the pen is more powerful?




  1. Because the pen sends the swords to war.

  2. for example, speaking to the media and rallying support from the community when a judge issues an unjust sentence or lets a criminal go, than choosing to react violently and trash your community and riot.

  3. Pen is stronger than sword.

  4. The pen can be used to create: literature, law, government, religion, philosophy.

    The sword can be used to: defend, harm.

    In the end, which is more powerful?  The ability to create an institution, philosophy, religion, form of government, or to defend or destroy it.

    I believe that the pen is mightier by far.

  5. get in a fight, use ur knowledge to get away! LOL

  6. It's not stronger, it's mightier.

  7. In reality, I would rather have a Sword.

    A pen would be pretty whimpy in battle with a sword! lol =)

  8. A line from the Godfather," Make him an offer he can't refuse".

    Now either your signature or your brains is going on the contract. Simple!

  9. It is more powerful "mightier" because one can create change through committing her ideas to paper.  In the same way that being smart is so much more valuable than possessing physical prowess-the fox outwits its predators with its wit.

  10. because physical wounds can heal, words can hurt for a lot longer.

    it's like if a girl walked up and punched you in the face and told you that you were bad in bed. which would really hurt more? chances are what she said because it would shake your core confidence.

  11. well they have like knife pens. haha.

    its just saying words can be stronger than actions.

  12. its basically words speak louder than actions

    actions being the sword and words the pen

  13. You know what I have no idea.

    And all this time I've said to myself "I can defend myself with a pen even when the person is holding a gun" Yep we all are idiots when it comes to taking methapores literally!

  14. With a stroke of the pen,,I can sue you and take your sword...

  15. with the sword you can kill someone who dissagrees with u. with a pen you can change their mind. :)

  16. What it says to me is that words can be stronger than actions.

    That violence isn't the way to solve things. The pen which is words,and knowledge can do more then a sword ever could. There are soooo many things a pen could write , so many sentences that could be created that could change the lives of many. A pen has written many documents, many declarations that have changed history, that have changed the way many people think.

    A sword could also change peoples lives, but violence never brings happiness. ( not unless you have mental issues)

  17. The written word (the pen), is mightier than the sword!

  18. Anyone can weild a sword and cut someone down, but it means nothing except to the person you mamed. The pen, when used properly and by the right person can reach thousands, who reach thousands more. The pen can cause discussion and argueing, leading to resolution.

  19. it is like saying a drop of knowledge is stronger than a sea of force...

    ex: i study for 100hours+ for a test and score a 86.78 Another person sweet talks someone in a position to obtain the answer key. he manages to score a 95% on the test. The only reason he does not score 100% is because he does not want to raise suspicion around him...

    Someone runs twice as fast as i do. However, not only do i know the area better than him, i also know a shortcut that will get me to the finish line in less then 30 seconds...

    little things like that are stronger than the force applied as you see in the examples...

  20. the pen is more powerful.

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