
What makes things sticky?

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I wanted a scientific answer. I study physics too, it just seemed interesting to me.




  1. Viscosity makes liquids thicker and allows it to stick to the sides of containers for example as the above bank donator probably implies ().

    Also some things stick to some things and not others, I think this has something to do with molecular and atomic level stuff.

    Incidentally friction and even some objects molecularly bonding to other materials is also a function of stickiness. For example glue; watery dough;  and paint like to bond to certain stuff and seems sticky because they are in the process of change.

    You might want to ask your question differently as I am not sure if you want advice from bank depositors or others that have one track minds that do not follow the scientific path. Your question needs to be more exact in this case as it obviously can be misinterpreted.

  2. This is a fairly complex question:

    the details:

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