
What makes tim lincecums mechanics so effective and how does he develop that velocity?

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What makes tim lincecums mechanics so effective and how does he develop that velocity?




  1. His stride length is key to his absurd velocity

  2. A lot of momentum from when he winds up and twist around and throws forward. He also has a great stride which allows more velocity. His arm just follows along as he does his mechanics. This motion not only allows him to throw harder but it puts less strain on his arm because of his body generating power and not his arm.

  3. he steps why far in froont of the mound

  4. I think he develops the velocity because he is so young and when he gets older he will lose his velocity and mechanics and wont be that good

  5. his stride is superlong. i was reading that sportscenter article on him

    and they were talking about how an most pitchers have a stride about 85% of their body length, but Tim's is like 130% of his body length,

    making him get really close to the plate when he throws. as for the mechanics i really don't know, i guess thats just what works for him

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