
What makes u say "aaaawwww"?? lol :] put ur signs 2 ??

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newborn babies make me say "aaaawwww" :]

aquarius w/ leo rising

whats makes u say it? u can list as many things as u want!! put ur signs 2??




  1. New-born babies as well, and puppies. And doggies in general. Even the big ones. And kind acts towards others out of pure selflessness. Anything innocent.

    Scorpio sun, sagittarius rising, gemini moon

  2. little babie animals and boys that do nice things for me


  3. baby animals

    animal couples (a cat adopted a bunny? yea!)

    older siblings (not little kids) hugging


  4. anything really cute

    like puppies and kittens playing together

    virgo sun, virgo moon with aquarius rising

  5. Awwww......

    kids learning something amazing for the first time

    babies of course


    someone giving me a well deserved compliment ( I am humble )

    people who are still together and happy

    sun aquarius

    moon taurus

    cancer rising

  6. newborn babies


    Aquarius/Scorpio rising

  7. when i see my baby.....i can't help but want to nurse him....

  8. Kittens, Babies, and Baby clothes lol.

    I'm Gemini

  9. when "babies" say  their first aaawwwwwww :)

    gemini w/saggitarius rising

  10. For one, your answer here just did.;...


    Small pets

    Missing a three-pointer also makes me say "Aww..." but it's usually followed by a ""

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Edit: I just remembered! Lolcats and Loldogs make me say "Aww".

  11. Babies




    Cancer =]  

  12. There is this sales insurance agent who I love very much and he is a very hot, attractive, handsome and s**y man who has a great and fantastic body. His whole body is perfect in every way. His name is Robert C. Reisig. He makes me say "aaaawwww" when I see him and and when I hear his voice. Little puppies looking with their cute sad faces also makes me go "aaaawwww".

  13. good-mannered children, cats & dogs and other animals, elderly people (I like to take care of them), sweet gestures.. In general, all acts of kindness.

    Libra sun

  14. Bill Kaulitz, the hottest guy in the world makes me say awwh, but usually when I say "Awwhhh" I actually scream it and it sounds more of an,"Aahhh!" Like the world is going to end, but in a good way.

    Also when someone says something sweet and I know there not JUST saying it. That always gets me to say awhh, and than I start blushing.


  15. A guy who is usually confident in a complete rute acting really shy when he admits he really like a girl and doesnt know what to do.

    Libra sun and libra rising cancer moon

  16. When I see siblings hugging or playing together. It makes me all giddy ^_^

  17. Young kids or babies, animals, baby clothes, a baby's laugh, the elderly, the song Ben by jackson 5 lol :D, or when I feel bad for someone. :)

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

  18. dogs and romance movies make my heart sing and make me say aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww

    aquarius w/ pisces rising

  19. Babies they are just adorable especially if they laugh you know it makes you laugh lolzz

  20. When I see a cute boy ;)

    or when I see a baby playing with an older generation...thats cute.


    Um, I'm a pisces. Feb 23

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