
What makes us a homo sapien?

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What makes us a homo sapien:

1. Body Structures:

2. Body Functions:

3. Growth:

I can't think of anything!? All i can think of is they can walk upright under body structure.




  1. We're bi-pedal, which gives us free use of our hands...

    We can implement what we're thinking through our hand-eye coordination, including abstract thoughts & use symbols to communicate with one another...

    We're the only "animal" that can control fire...

    We're the only "animal" that wears clothing...

    We can speak articulately, take a pause in our breathing and continue to speak...Voluntary breathing!

    Homo sapiens DNA

  2. Mental intelligence?

  3. if it is brains as said by others, there are also other animals that have brains such as chimpanzees, an animal most close to us in terms of genus.

    it should be more specific, we do not only have brains but we have minds which makes us, homo sapiens capeable of abstract reasoning,language and introspection due to our highly developed brains.this is what separates us from other animals or mammals, we can think.

  4. What about brain size? Our brain size to body size demonstrates the influence intelligence has on our species.

    Humans are part of the hominid family. They are both part of and descended from them. The process of this development is called evolution. In brief, this means that new species develop and expand as they are better at dealing with their environment then others. See:

    for a discussion of the evolution process.

    While the includes apes and mankind, the split from the apes is put at 8 million years ago. That's based both on the fossil remains and the know rate of change for DNA. The first bipedal hominids (walking on two feet) is 4 million years ago. The first known bipedal hominids were the Australopithecus. ("Southern Ape") There are several known types and the exact lineage is still being argued.

    Homo sapiens "Man who thinks" The archaic form is dated between 500,000 and 150,000 years ago. Brain size is about 1200cc. The species shows strong links and the characteristic of Homo erectus.

    Homo sapiens sapiens Modern man. The first know group appears some 40,000 years ago during the Neolithic period. However, new finds are pushing that date back.

  5. Before we evolved into sapien sapiens both the genders looked alike and some of us could not easily differentiate between the two. Hense the "homo".

  6. our ability to interpret ideas in symbolic gestures, we are able to impact our environment with our ideas - other animals adapt to their surroundings.

  7. I don't know what makes them Homo sapien, but I know who. It was a Homosexual Anthropologist having a bit of fun.They were going to call him Hetero sapien, but the q***r was the head bummer at the time. Just a joke now ! don't be hitting the violation button.

  8. ignorance

  9. Definitely the brain

  10. The ability to differenciate?

  11. forward protruding chin, max breadth of the skull is high on the cranium.  Cranial capacity higher than other primates (except for neanders, though I think their higher cranial capacity had to do more with temperature regulation), fully developed complex communication, long term infant care, each of these sets us apart from other primates.

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