
What makes you a Cena fan?

by  |  earlier

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i don't get it do you have to be under fifteen and still think that way?




  1. Dont know dont care

    Neva gon be a cena fan

    The only fan base he has are the lil kids and the girls haha so funny!!!!

    Unlike HHH, Taker, HBK, even Batista their fan base is spread out through many ages and many wwe fans!!! FO SHO!!!

  2. what makes me a cena fan?

    1. he doesnt do drugs like alot of wwe supersars

    2. he does so much for wwe

    3. he might not have the best moves, but he brings the most energy to the ring

    4.WWE is sports "entertainment" and in my opinion he is the most entertaining.

  3. now that you mention Cena Ive haven't seen Cena fans in YA for a while  

  4. I hate to dinner falls to me bad

  5. The only I'll ever be a Cena fan is if he does one of the followings:

    1.Turn Heel

    2.Start calling the audience ungrateful trailer trash.

    3.Stick the middle finger to the audience.

    4.starts winning his matches by cheating with a steel chain.

    5.Don't give a (Beep)about kids.

    6.Start battling his opponents in a verbal war like he use to

    Does that says enough.

  6. wel, hes VERY hot for one, he has great mic skills & is hilarious and is such a nice guy.

    cant understand why some ppl dont like him...

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