
What makes you and your family american?

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Besides the fact that we were born in America, what really makes us American?




  1. Born here, live here, love my country and all that it stands for, and wouldn't want to be a citizen anywhere else.

  2. We hold to those American ideas and ideals

  3. lol what?

    um what makes my family American? hmmm...the fact that we were born in this country and meet all of its freedoms, privileges, failures, and flaws on a daily basis makes us American. We're American because this country was built, in part, on the backs of my ancestors who were brought here on slave ships, degraded, stripped of identity and worth, and over the centuries slowly but surely fought for a sliver of equality and the privileges i enjoy today.

    We're American because we are multi-faceted in beliefs and economic status. We're American because we embrace truth and history to educate ourselves on all the horrors, acts of terrorism, and injustices the founders of this country committed while searching for freedom from persecution themselves and we refuse to go out blindly into the world preaching about how much better we are. We're American because we always keep in mind the struggles that all our American ancestors (regardless of race or family lineage) fought for something they believed in. We recognize that regardless of whether or not we agree on the purpose of various wars, what sides we support, there were human beings determined to put their lives on the line for something they believed in. Oh c**p. now i feel all patriotic  : D

    yeah we also pay taxes, vote, and do jury duty : \

  4. we celebrate the fourth of July, thanksgiving, plus my uncles a redneck.

  5. we love our country.

  6. Well, I shop at Walmart, live in a trailer, listen to country music, believe that Saddam blew up them towers, eat McDonald's,  

  7. Appreciating and taking advantage of all the rights, freedoms and opportunities this country has to offer.

  8. Independence and striving to achieve goals you set for yourself makes everyone AMERICAN !


  9. We live in America.

  10. i aint american.

    im haitian, im just a citien because i got a card or something

    but you are american because you call yourself american. and if your parents are american. Like a chinese born in the us can call themself american but will probably say chinese most often.

    the governments of all nations call anybody that was born in this country(and they know about it) american.

    you can stuill call yourself whatever your parents arr though

  11. if you love the red,white and blue and you feel the america in your heart then you are!:)  

  12. I am a Canadian

    But AMERICA makes me Canadian coz my dad applied for Canadian Green Card from the USA

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