
What makes you deny global warming?

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What makes you deny global warming?




  1. It's not that someone chooses to deny Global Warming, is that if they are scared of something so major they rather not think of it or  deny it. when you really do think about it, global warming is a very scary subject

  2. well, unfortunately the exxon mobile funded think tanks have been doing their jobs oh too well and disinforming the masses. The facts still remains that over 80% of scientist  believe and concur that global warming is happening and that is is human "accelerated".

    The handfull of weathermen, econimicist and exxon funded scientist are saying its not true and we just need to keep burning oil and polluting as we always have. They promise that everything is gonna be ok, and these are the only scientist (term used loosely) that get any air time on corporate owned news media.

    Check out this exxon secrets site to find out who is saying what and who is paying them:

    It is just way to profitable for things to keep going liek they have been going. Big oil companies are showing record profits for two quarters in a row, so why not throw a little money into a movement to dissinform the public about global warming.

  3. I don't deny global warming. I deny man-made global warming.

  4. I don't deny it.  I am, however, highly skeptical of the hypothesis that human activities are the primary cause (or even a cause at all).  This is because I have yet to see any clear, quantitative proof in support of this hypothesis.

  5. it's real to me there is no more snow outside my house

  6. The fact that 30 years ago Nat Geo did a HUGE magazine about us dying from Global COOLING!

    Oh yeah, the temp right now in Miami should be about 40 degrees according to that.

    BTW, the Weather Channel founder said a few months ago that global warming is the biggest HOAX ever and I believe him.

  7. We can see from this chart from the Environmental Defense Fund that there is no warming.

    The climate just got above average after 130 years of being 0.5 degrees below average.

    This is just normal, nothing to panic over.

  8. 70's they said ice warming....and now


    cooling again.

    in other words their fulla camel p**p.

  9. google it, it has to do with sun spot cycles..not CO2 emissions (graphs will even show..CO2 increases with heat..not the other way around)...secondly, this is a cycle that has been going on for all of Earth's existance, the world cools and heats (newspapers will prove that)...and also, right now...its not global warming thats happening...the earth is currently cooling..(look it up)

  10. I just don't think there is a sufficient enough understanding of the earth's climate systems to be making the kind of claims many people have been making. It seems to me, it's a movement that fits so many liberal agendas. We have already seen that data has been tweaked to fit the desired outcome. Some of these mistakes made in the science and propaganda seemed just a bit too convenient. The only reason people don't question it more is pure and simple. They want to believe.

  11. I celebrate warming temps. warm is better than cold.

  12. I like to think of myself as a Moderate on global warming and global cooling.  Don't want to be extreme either way.


  13. People deny global warming because

    - Its a very confusing topic, that people 'think' they know about

    - They are interested by scientists who 'disprove the norm'

    - They dont want to take action

    - They dont want to reduce their carbon footprint, because they like driving next door.

    30 years ago, it was about 10% of scientists who were going on about global cooling, the rest were more interested in warming. The 1970's global cooling scare is a hoax.

    Whatever the climate does, we can stay assured that the way we are living now, mankind will struggle to survive like it is now.

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