
What makes you different from your sun sign?

by  |  earlier

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Describe yourself, your mannerisms, how you react to pressuring times, and what signs you get along with the most. State your sun sign, moon sign, and rising?




  1. i am sooo like a cocktail, at times i am secretive and to myslef, then i am very friendly and very adventerous, and a risktaker, in relationships, im not possessive, i love my freedom, and i want my partner to have it aswell, and i also give him his privacy, and want mine, because i know how important it is, but i do get verrry jealous. . . im not like the troll under the bridge, im more relaxed, i do like to talk alot, but i know when to keep quiet aswell . . . i am very sarcatic and blunt, but i do it in a way that people find it funny . . . my friends describe as not traditional, rebellious, knows my limits and very loyal . . .

  2. Well, I'm very sarcastic. That's one of the first things people tend to notice about me. I can be very egotistical and rude and even sometimes borderline arrogant. I don't like violence very much, but you don't p**s me off. I will like punch you or something or something. I'm draw to the mysterious and things that make you think about the meaning of it. I love music with a passion. I love it pretty much more than anything. I'm pretty social and I love people, but I could live without any friends as long as I could talk to people on the internet. I pretty much have to be talking or I feel lost. I almost never feel down or sad, I always try to have a positive outlook on things no matter how bad things get. I'm very blunt and I don't care about other people's feelings, only my own. Some say I might be distant when it comes to "touchy-feely" emotions (That's my word for depression and love lol). Uhh, I think I've covered my bad parts and some of my good parts, but I'm blanking out right now. I think that's enough though. xD

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  3. I have a very bright personality. I am unpredictable, and always trying to make people laugh. I can be sarcastic, but its because I kid around a lot. Never trying to hurt anyones feelings. I talk a lot (lol) but thats only because I want people to really understand how I feel and what I mean. I never like to see anyone fight, I try create peace. But if someone messes with me, I get them back 10 times worse. I'm very very sensitive.. I try to be as polite as possible but if someones rude, I let them know what I think about them. I am always laughing or smiling.. I keep my promises, I'm very flirty and very honest ;D

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio Moon

    Leo rising

  4. I have a very short temper, and can become a bit violent. I can be sarcastic, and have a dark sense of humor. I'm amused by conflict, and will say things just to shock people. I am not really into big social situations, and can become overwhelmed with emotions when around too many people. I am extremely sensitive, and can be quite biting towards people just from getting a weird look. I don't find myself to get along with any particular signs more than others. I have a diverse group of friends as far as signs are concerned, and I get along very well with each one in a different way. I have a lot of earth sign friends, and we often have a lot in common while being complete opposites at the same time....That doesn't stop us from learning from each other, and pushing past our differences.

    Libra Sun/Rising, Cancer Moon

    Danger: I'll take that as a compliment. : ) I'd blame it on being a cusp in both my Sun and Rising, but I don't believe in cusps, so I'll blame it on my Pluto in the 1st house.

  5. ur rising sign thats equally and more important

  6. I'm not jealous when I'm in a relationship, if anything i want him to go out and have fun so I CAN have fun. I hate violence and getting angry.. and i cant stand to see people fighting, i just need everything to be fair cuz if its not then i feel like its my fault and i have to fix things, even if it has nothing to do with me.

    Im not secretive, i will tell you anything, seriously i love to talk about myself and love to listen to other people talk. Dont put me and a Leo in the same room or none of us will shut up haha. I HATE WHEN OTHERS MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE THEY DONT EVEN KNOW. It makes ME feel bad. But when others make fun of me i smile and forget about it. I dont plan "revenge" just because they were talking c**p. I forget everything easily.


  7. I'm quiet. In a group of people I will sit by myself and not say a word to anyone. I'm not doing it because I'm being mean it's because I feel don't know what to say. I make people work to get to know me. Meaning I don't give up information about myself easily. It could take months before you know the basics.I'm nice, polite, and a great listener.  I tend to go out of my way to help people. I love making people happy, but I don't want to gain attention from it (if that makes any sense). I'm sarcastic and I have a dark sense of humor, I'm great at telling stories, and I can do damage with my words.I don't like large crowds and would much rather be with a small group of people. When I'm pressured I don't show it on the outside, but in the inside I'm going crazy. The signs I get along with the most are; Sagittarius (my own),Capricorns, Pisces, Virgo's, Cancers, and Aquarius.

    Sun Sign: Sagittarius Moon Sign: Libra  Rising: Scorpio

  8. I am myself,I can say that I am pretty,I have manners,all of them,in pressuring times I hide it and show people the Lion's confidence,and I keep all stress inside.

    I get along with everybody.

  9. arrogance is not m,e

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