
What makes you feel most empowered as a modern woman?

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What makes you feel most empowered as a modern woman?




  1. The freedom to be exactly who I want to be and do exactly what i want.

  2. Getting my own money, living alone and wearing modern clothes and think creatively!

  3. Knowing that I don't need a man to support me or make me feel good about myself. I can do that all on my own. :)

  4. i dont know im not 1 but i think women r pretty and i think they r nice and should not b made fun of and i like giant apples yay

  5. Well, independance makes me feel empowered and I am a modern women. Pretty sure I'd feel the same as a modern man, though. Independance is living alone, earning my own money, and making choices without having to ask others first.

  6. Thanks Mireille for your inspiration. I also felt really empowered spanking a man in my family's restaurant...he didn't really deserve it but after all the years of suppressing a traditional Vietnamese woman's custom, it felt wonderful to spank him until his seat glowed in the dark!!

  7. periods?

  8. Knowing that he needs me more than I need him. =D

  9. female accomplishments without emphasis on her gender

  10. When men are sexist. It just proves to me how inseccure men are and makes me thankful to God for being a woman.

  11. I have lived my life thus far exactly the way I pleased, without being expected to follow any particular course. It's been a revelation. I can look in the mirror in the morning and see a human being I am comfortable and happy with who answers to no one (except my 12-month-old daughter clamoring for breakfast, but was my choice to have her, so I don't mind).

  12. Building my house: learning how to do the plumbing, wiring, etc. Doing the drywall and painting. Helping build the porch. Building furniture, landscaping.

    I watched my cousin do things once, he liked that he only had to show me one time and I had it, without further question... although, he did hate that it meant he wasn't going to get paid to do it for me. He'd get a little tickled when he'd come by to finish things and I'd already done it. My next learning project is doing the rock facing on my foundation. He said I can probably figure it out on my own, but he'd come up if I need him to.

  13. The ability to make my own decisions about all aspects of my life, without any legal hindrance.

    Cheers :-)

  14. Knowing that submitting to my boyfriend is a choice, not a requirement. :)

  15. Belief in myself; belief in the fact that when I fall; all I have to do is to stand right back up; something, in which, I don't need Feminism.

  16. I'm a man. I saw a study that shows that modern women feel empowered through connecting with others and accomplishing their goals, which is a change from when the study was taken in the 1970's.

  17. My education at the Master's level and the fact that I have done so much travelling, and that lived in Vienna,  Austria for 3 years where I worked for a United Nations Specialised Agency (the IAEA).

    None of the things I've listed can be done "for" you.  You either do them, or they don't get done.

    *I almost forgot.  All that (above) and Italian shoes.  Italian shoes that I purchased myself in Italy, of course.

  18. Well, to be honest....the fact that a modern woman can physically punish a man pretty much as she would a child.

    I often threaten to spank men and you can tell that, even though they laugh, they worry.

    Sometimes when I'm out with a guy I take out my hairbrush and casually leave it visible.  Most guys you can tell will start to look at it nervously..  They know it can be used on them pretty much when we want, no one will defend them or criticize us...of course we can't overpower men but a lot of times they are too intimidated to resist.  

    At least so I've most women it's only in the last few years I've even considered such a thing.

    I recently spanked a guy with a brush for the first time.  It was great...giggling the whole time.  What a rush when I pulled down his underwear..the most empowering moment for me.

  19. We can hold jobs.

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