
What makes you happy in life ?

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What makes you happy in life ?




  1. Happiness comes from inside not outside. Nothing can 'make' you happy, you simply choose to be happy and smile. Sometimes it is harder than other times.

    Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of circumstances, the people who pursue stuff to make them happy are the saddest of the lot.

  2. well no use dwelling over things for to long. deal with em....& get over em.................

    just look outside........its a beautiful world......

    & most people are good...

    the media only focus on the bad stuff mainly...........xx♥

  3. those moments that seem just flawless

    smoking with my best friends and just staring into the sky

  4. money ,god ,good friends

  5. the idea tht i'm living

  6. Dopamine.

  7. The people around me. Friends and family

  8. Home

  9. Peace of mind, emotional security and good company.

  10. Lots of things.

    Your asking because you do not feel like life is as engaging / interesting / special as it was in the past right?

    Well for me, i find happiness in people around me.

    Mates at the local pub, the Darts team.

    My boss at work makes me laugh, as we both work together and i find it very interesting how he reacts to challenges & problems at work.

    Why not try to get involved with more that going on around you?

    If there is a swimming place nearby, why not go once a week?

    Try something new and different to do, such as ..... Basketball / Golf

    Anything you want!

    If you have never eaten a certain food before.

    Look up on the internet how to cook it, then go buy the stuff, then eat it with others and ask if its any good :-D

    Do things that keep you busy.

    Look into religion, you can meet people with similar beliefs and ideals and make new friends.

    Depending on your age, go out to bars & clubs meet people your own age, and the same interests.

    If you've an animal spend more time fussing over it!

    There's thousands of things!

    Enjoy life, enjoy the people involved and remember.

    Smiling is the 2nd best thing you can do with your mouth, so try it out more often.


  11. the people in it.

  12. Nothing.

  13. Successful urban planning.

  14. to feel free and able to enjoy life

  15. Being with my family and friends and getting 10 points.

  16. pancakes.


  17. A lot of things make us happy, but different things at different times, sometimes even opposites, and more importantly, nothing seems to make us happy forever. Happiness is thus the greatest puzzle in our life. Imagine then the plight of those who are trying to make someone else happy!!

  18. anything really. : ]

  19. the guy i love, even if he doesnt love me like he says he does..

  20. Shrooms, weed, tobacco, alcohol and s*x

  21. A stimulating conversation.

  22. Money..... $  In god we trust $

  23. my husband & my child

  24. living in a quiet, peaceful place where people do not care all about their wealth where we can sit quietly in front of a beach gazing far far away... enjoying the scenery with a peace of mind... but thats impossible.

  25. Wake up and BREATH

  26. my girlfriend. just that simple.

  27. good health...

    blue skies...

    starry nights...

    gentle breezes...

    a swim in the ocean...

    safety, security, peace, protection, freedom, love...

    laughter, my partner, my pets...

    enough money to live and be safe... lord and saviour...


  28. Being in it!

  29. happy or content?

    happy when im making a r****d of myself with my friends

    or when im at the beach, yeah i love the beach, i guess i feel content there too

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