
What makes you happy?

by Guest57788  |  earlier

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Tell me, what do you enjoy




  1. Doing my job right

    Kissing somebody for the first time

    getting on the scale and finding out I lost 2 pounds when I thought i gained them

    dancing in a disco

    partying with my friends all together

    my birthday

    getting that call from the guy you're crushing when you least expect it

    When my boss tells me I did an excellent job!

    a great dress on sale/clearance

    a good hair day

  2. if my mom gives me money, when anything i want is fulfilled, and i just got my first new car today, its a mercedes benz c230 so im VERY HAPPY =]

    and im only 17.

  3. When I smile without thinking about it, and then, also without my thinking about it, someone else is smiling, too. :/

  4. Let's see

    The angry dance from Billy Elliot, mountains and skies, not sleeping, running under telephone wires, the guy walking in front of me who is smoking something and wearing a black sweater, independence, being in foreign countries, adorkable people, my life, Freddie Mercury, anything fruity, floating around in ecstasy, explosions of colors, milk, having techno parties in forests, trumpets, real friends, being very moist in public, Persian rugs, euphoric music, chowder, and anything in-your-face g*y.

  5. I haven't been happy for a while now...but I like when everyone else is happy and everything just seems know like when it's a sunny day and you're in a good mood...I wish it was always peaceful...

  6. a kiss

  7. No worries. And being 'high'....

  8. my daughter's laughter.

    walking on the beach in the rain


    my family


  9. Satisfaction, feeling I have done my best and got the results I was hoping for.

    I am happy when I am walking the dog, when I forget all my worries, troubles and woes.... when she behaves (the dog!)

  10. Talking with my sweetheart! Feels like first Love! ^^

    Lazania sounds YumYummy! Thanks!

  11. A smile.

    My boyfriend.

    Seeing an old friend again.

    Accomplishing something.

    Learning something new.

    My cat Palin.

    Reading a good book.

    Helping someone.


    Christmas mornings.

    Humor, in various forms. lol.

  12. Conversing, talking, socialising, shopping on my own ... Those blissful moments of peace ... Golden silence ...

  13. If I can make my wife happy...

    I'm happy.
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