
What makes you interested in adding people to your contacts? your sun/moon/rising?

by Guest21226  |  earlier

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what makes you interested in adding people to your contacts???

is it their answers? or their interesting questions???

just wondering.

and what is your sun/moon/rising?

thank ya




  1. it's a kind word the kind that you know when you hear it and their voice is loud and clear the sun moon rising why of course and i believe all the forces that propel my existence towards that place that i have found to be refreshing ya know maby I should say that things are sunny somewhere always and the moon never casts it's shadow unknowingly on the rising that has prevailed since my beginnings for that I have to say thank ya too all shall I carry on sure as the wind blows it's breath of life through the endlessness of which I call out to her  

  2. HI


                 SO WHAT DO YA THINK?



  3. Interesting questions, interesting answers, good answers...a lot of things...sometimes I add people cause of their music taste as well. Sometimes I add people cause they added me first.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising.

  4. i dont add any new person to my contact though my friends says it is very exciting to add new people to their contact. so say they do it coz they meet new people. some say just to time pass. some say for satisfaction that i ve many contacts. each say a diff reason.

    my sun is scorpio/aries/leo

  5. mostly the U.K. chicks....write funny,more open.

  6. I've found that if the person can make me laugh, they're already considered a contact.

    I also love it when people actually put thought into their answers/questions.

  7. If there's something about them that stands out.

    Looking at my contacts, there's the adorable one, the musical one, the insightful one, the horrifyingly volatile so don't diss crabs but I dunno she may have a tender side after all one,  the spiritual one... I could go on and with stating what me and a contact have in common.

    If they add me first, I see if I recognize them then I add them also.

    Aaand... what makes YOU add people to your contacts?

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Edit: It's that obvious, huh? =) You're right. That was you. Although you could pass as an all-of-the-above.

  8. I think for the most part, I have been added first then I normally reciprocate or I block them - depending on what's going on....

    I have added a few contacts...I picked them for their style of writing and carefully thought out answers...I have a very diverse group of contacts (which I take pride in) also...I even have a few that we may not always see eye to eye on certain topics but we are able to see past our differences and still be able to relate to each other in other ways....I am always eager to check out new posts from any/all of my contacts!

    Sun - Sag

    Moon - Scorpio

    Rising - Cap

  9. Their questions,answers,humor and basically if they helped me a lot and I like them ;D

  10. Both.  Honestly I just kind of randomly add people.  As long as you seem like the kind of person that I can relate to or learn from then I will add you.




  11. We have contacts? Well, I don't really care about that.

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