
What makes you lose weight quicker being vegetarian or atkins?

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i know proper diet and exersize is the way but i just can never do it right and i have to attend a wedding in 10 days




  1. Actually a study was recently released that showed the Atkins type diet (high protein, low carb) was faster means of losing weight than a low fat diet.

    Since vegetarians tend to eat more carbs than protein, you have to assume that a vegetarian diet doesn't necessarily lead to weight loss.

    Basically weight loss is accomplished by eating fewer calories than you burn.  Easy to say, harder to do!

  2. Atkins, probably. However, vegetarian is probably good in the long run. You could probably also look for exercise videos that are like 10 minutes long but give a good workout. You can even find 10 minute trainer (which has had a lot of good reviews from what I've seen) some places online (like torrents if you know how to use them).

  3. You can't just go on an atkins and loose weight in 10 days. If you really want to loose weight quickly then the extreme way is to get a dose of typhoid.

  4. Cabbage soup diet.

    4 cups water or more if needed.

    1 cabbage -diced

    1 green pepper - diced

    1 onion - diced

    2 cloves garlic - diced

    3 carrots - diced

    3 tomatoes - diced

    3 stalks celery diced

    Fry the onion, garlic and pepper and add to other veggies in a big soup pot. Cook for about 90 minutes.

    Eat only this, fruit, and a soy based diet protein drink for 10 days. You will loose a lot of weight fast, but this diet isn't safe if you have any health problems and It's only good for short term stuff like the wedding your attending in 10 days.

    The safer way to do this diet is to replace one meal a day with cabbage soup, lunch for example.

  5. Vegetarian Atkins Diet...From LoveToKnow Diet


    With the Atkins Diet great emphasis on meat and cheese, is it possible to follow a vegetarian Atkins Diet? The answer is YES, if you are willing to take some time and expend some effort to plan carefully to ensure adequate protein and nutrition.

    Protein and Vegetarianism


    For those vegetarians who eat eggs, and/or dairy products, ensuring adequate protein intake may be easier than for strict vegans while following the Atkins Diet. A good rule of thumb for adequate protein intake is 2g of protein per pound of healthy body weight. Yes, that probably sounds like a lot, especially when most diet plans -- especially vegetarian plans -- tell you that you need only consume 30 to 50 grams of protein per day. However, for optimum health, and for the best success on a low-carb diet, more protein is recommended.

    Why So Much Protein?


    Your body cannot function without the essential amino acids in protein, and those amino acids are used in a myriad of body functions and processes. Many of the necessary amino acids can be produced by the body, but there are nine which must be provided from outside sources. Without those amino acids, your body cannot make the various proteins that it needs for healing, growth, and other functions.

    The interesting thing about food is that meats and other animal proteins contain all of the essential amino acids in the right proportions. Vegetable proteins, however, do not. That is why vegetarians are told to combine beans and grains -- because only together do they form a complete protein the body can use for its vital functions. Soy protein is also important to vegetarians because, while it is still an incomplete protein, it is closer to complete than any other vegetable source. Soy, however, has numerous documented health risks, and should not be consumed in large quantities.

    If you are a vegan and wish to follow a low-carb diet (and the Atkins plan is simply not workable for vegans, generally), you can focus on nuts and seeds for your protein needs. Nuts and seeds -- especially seeds -- contain more protein per ounce than any other vegetable source other than soy. Soy protein powder will also be invaluable to the vegan low-carb dieter.

    Other Low-Carb Foods


    The other foods allowed on the Atkins plan should pose no problems for the vegetarian, no matter what level of vegetarian diet is followed. The Atkins Diet Food List contains nearly all vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, corn, and peas. Dried beans are a bit problematic, as they are high in complex carbohydrate. Again, a less strict low-carb plan would be more desirable if you wish to include many dried beans in your diet. After the induction phase is complete, low-carb fruits, like berries and cantaloupe, may be added to the diet in small quantities. The oils and fats allowed on the Atkins Diet should present no problems to the vegetarian dieter, as olive oil, nut oils, and vegetable oils are permitted. Butter is allowed on the Atkins plan, so lacto-ovo vegetarians may include that fat, while vegans will want to omit it. Similarly, cheese will be a staple for lacto-ovo vegetarians, while vegans will be more limited by the varieties of soy cheeses available to them.

    Vegetarian Atkins Diet


    The basic premise, then, of adapting the Atkins Diet to a vegetarian lifestyle is variety. A large variety of seeds and nuts, along with ample quantities of eggs and cheese, is crucial. Judicious use of soy products, and adequate quantities of fresh vegetables and some fruits will add variety and interest to the diet. The success and safety of this eating plan is dependent on careful planning for a wide variety of protein sources in your menus.

    Related Diet Links


        * Basics of the Atkins Diet

        * Atkins Diet Food List

        * Vegetarian Diets Explained

        * Planning Vegetarian Meals

        * Vegan Diet

        * Vegetarian Foods

    Get Skinny in 11 Days

  6. Omfg I'm a vegetarian and I don't live on vegetables and fruit! I do eat pasta and pizza and macaroni and cheese!!! And although it is a vegetable but still fattening I DO eat french fries!!! >=(

    So Atkins of course!!!

  7. Well, Fatkins will help you lose a lot of weight quickly, but it's all water weight.  Problem is, your breath will stink to high heaven, and you may feel cranky and tired.  And when you start eating like a normal human being again, the weight comes back on.

    Proper diet and exercise is the only way to lose weight, but it's a marathon, not a sprint.

  8. Atkins is quiker and can be healthier. I don't see why people become vegetarians to loose weight your just cutting out your protein in your diet. Atkins is proven. You will loose weight quikly for the first month but after that the weight loss slows. It is a good diet and works for most people.

  9. A low carbohydrate diet is by far the fastest way to lose weight for the reason that you also lose alot of water in your body. Not really some fat but most likely some water. Ive done atkins for 1 week and lost 4 lbs.

  10. Atkins. Veg*nism is not a weight loss plan.

  11. You might want to try a cleanse.  I have used the Sambu Elderberry Cleanse many times and always lose 1 pound per day with the benefits of endless energy and feeling fantastic by the time I am finished.  They have a 5 or 10 day cleanse.  

  12. Atkins is a big no-no:

    Ten days.................I doubt if vegetarian or atkins would make much difference in only ten days.

    Seaweed beauty body wraps and an alternative water and fresh home-made vegetable juice fast would be more effective (see Sandra Cabot for more info) BUT I don’t think you should try this because I think your attitude is all wrong.

    Just go to the wedding all “lumpy” (or whatever you are) and make sure you plan properly next time.

    If you choose the right dress and dress appropriately for your weight, you can easily look beautiful and elegant.

    Besides, everyone will be looking at the bride and most people will be drunk at the reception, so just concentrate on totally enjoying yourself, rather than stressing about your perceived possibly non-existent “flaws”.


  13. You lose quickly with Atkins but it's no good for your general health long term. It may take longer with being a vegetarian but the health benefits far outweigh being on the Atkins diet. And remember Atkins died prematurely and morbidly obese - so, that doesn't say much for his diet does it?

  14. Atkins but as soon as you start eating again you put the weight back on. Don't be so bloody lazy and vain. Find something you look good in and you will feel good. It's not all about being skinny.

  15. Atkins

  16. drink lots of water

    and dont eat

    i lost like 5 pounds in 5 days  

  17. eating a million steaks is not even close to healthy. i dont think it would make you loose weight faster but it will give you a heart attack.

    and go vegan for the 10 days. no dairy, eggs, not snacks that contain milk or eggs, but lots of vegetables,fruits.

  18. eating meat and veggies at the same time is best.  also, 10 days will let you lose a max of 5 pounds and thats if you work out A LOT.  So maybe you should have planned earlier?

  19. organic apple cider vinegar in water before meals

  20. Atkins. I did it for about 6 weeks and lost around a stone and a half. I even had a flat stomach!

  21. Atkins probably since it's purposely designed for weight loss.  Most people who are vegetarian just tend not get fat in the first place.  I don't know if weight lost through atkins will stay off for any length of time once you start eating normally again though.

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