
What makes you mad when you are driving?

by  |  earlier

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well ok there is going to be something that makes you mad when you drive. When I drive it makes me mad when someone doesn't say thank you when they are changing lanes after you let them get in front of you. I mean I didn't have to let them get a head of me




  1. I get mad when I'm backing up to park into a parking slot and somebody else tries to get ahead to get my space.

  2. Multitaskers make me angry. Driving has it challenges to begin with. Why would one try to juggle a lit cigarette and a cell phone . . . while while taking a left hand turn? Put something down. A driver on a cell phone, crossed the center line and hit my husband head on. He was just driving home from work. Put something down. Don't create a situation that you have to live with the fact that you hurt someone.

  3. I know what you mean just yesterday some lady cut me off and almost hit me.  What else makes me mad is no one watches out for anyone besides themselves thats the reason there are so many accidents.  If everyone worked together the roads would be safer.  Like when you get on the freeway you have to almost floor it to be able to get on the freeway thats bull.

  4. People who (like the guy I encountered yesterday) decide to change lanes, almost run you off the road doing so because they don't check to make sure the lane they want to enter is clear, and then get mad at YOU when you beep (just beep, I didn't lay on the horn or anything like that - it was a quick little, "hey, I'm here!" thing) like YOU did something stupid.  That and people that are turning left and turn in front of you the very second the light turn green.....had a woman do that to me a few months back and then a guy flew up behind her, did the same thing (as soon as she cleared the intersection, I started to go again) and hit me head on causing an injury accident (my injury).

  5. People who tailgate. If I am not going fast enough for you, pass me, or try driving with the flow of traffic. That is just plain reckless. - s

  6. I drive a truck for a living and what makes me madder than anything are those that cut off big trucks and then slam on their brakes when they get in front, all for no reason. And then those that change lanes without using their signals,only to gain a space or two in traffic, but my all time peeve would be those that sit at an intersection waiting for your approach and then suddenly pull out in front of you when they had plenty of time to merge into traffic causing a sudden and sometimes deadly chain of events.

  7. Lots of things- people who cut me off, then drive 15 miles under the limit. People who only go 40 on the freeway onramp. The cell phone user who is not paying attention. The young kid weaving in and out of traffic leaving no room for error. They are all an accident waiting to happen.

  8. women.

  9. When I'm driving on a two lane highway at 55mph, someone at a side road can't wait for me to pass by, pulls out in front of me and drives 40mph then turns at the next side road without using a turn signal.  Just makes no sense.

  10. other drivers

  11. Ok 2 Pet peeves here.

    1. That guy/gal when you are on the 4 lane almost to a exit and here they come. Zoom past ya and then take the exit when you are within 25' of it.

    2. Tailgaters

  12. i agree with you but...the thing that makes me most mad is people who talk on there cell-phones and don't pay attention to the road. like ppl talking at red-lights and don't go when it turns green...c'mon talk when you get out of the car! or pay attention!

  13. not using directional signals, pulling out in front of you and not getting up to speed, tailgating, talking on the cell phone

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