
What makes you more than just a ordinary Baseball Fan

by  |  earlier

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Just something i was thinking of,

do you beyond to get to understand and learn about Baseball.




  1. Growing up an Indians fan. From 1 season to the next you just never know what it's going to be like.

    I am a sports fan so yes, i keep up om it anyway I can. My Dad was an avid baseball fan and I learned a lot from him.  =o`)

  2. Yes I try to learn as much as I can about baseball and all the teams not just the reds.  I watch sports shows, baseball tonite, get on websites, read magazines and books.  I love to soak up all I can for I love the game of baseball.

  3. i understand. play. watch. listen to baseball

    i try to stay as close to it as possible

    im one of the people who were glued to the television during all the trades

    wondering who was going where. making predictions of my own

    some didnt turn out as i thought

    wondering if people were leaving certain teams

    making postseason predictions

    i watch the carribbean league world series during the winter

    so im pretty much never away from the game

    i like to argue plays when i feel otherwise.


    baseball=part of life that wont leave

  4. get all of there gear and go to a couple games every year and bring signs to support them

  5. Well, if you are a die hard fan to a certain team - than you will know very little details, rivalries, and stick with the team when they have the worst record.

    If you a player's fan, then you will follow the player no matter which team he goes and support him until he retire.

    But in my opinion, what separates the extraordinary fans from others is: to have the best understanding of the game. You can call plays (in front of the tv) before is play's on. You can tell a player not to steal base (although they know i already), you can call the next pitch, you will cheer for a great interceptions by 2nd baseman that prevent runners advance further, and you will leap off your seat for a great outfield assist.

  6. Probably because for years I was part of the local Philadelphia area media.  I had the rare opportunity to meet many ball players away from the game and learned something about them that most fans would never know.

    I think I have a better appreciation of what they go through as professional athletes.  For the most part I root for the players regardless of their team.  Yankee fan? Yes, but baseball fan first!  

  7. I love learning as much as I can about the game, the history, fundamentals, techniques, etc.  Anything I can to learn more about the game because no matter how old you get you will never know everything there is to know about baseball.  Oh not to mention I'm a Cubs fan and have dealt with a losing team for years yet I still stand by my team regardless.


    love of the game, and love of your team!



  9. hmmmm

    1. Get a tattoo of the teams logo

    2. get season tickets

    3. learn everything about everyone on the team

    4. only wear clothes thath have to do with the team

    5. maybe learn about the teams history

    6. make youtube webcasts about every game

    those are some ideas. a little extreme but you get the point.

  10. If the Cubs win the World Series, I'll get a Cubs logo tatoo on my face and ***.

  11. i was at a yankees game a few weeks ago in toronto and i was probably the only new york fan there.

    so its really quiet and alex Rodriguez is about to bat when i stand up and yell

    i love you alex!! haha

    i dont know if he noticed but the poeple around me did

    just wanted to share(: i dont think alot of people would risk getting thrown out of the stadium for that lol

  12. Yes i love trying to learn more about the game and the history of the game and other teams. I love trying to learn all the rules and some of the older rules. I love trying to learn anything that i can about baseball.

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