
What makes you more upset??? Littering or wasteful ways?

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What makes you more upset, littering or wasteful ways?




  1. Someone makes millions,  on peoples littering and wasteful ways.  Doe's that upset

  2. Littering!!!  One time, I stopped my car and made a friend get out and pick up a gum wrapper that he threw out the window.  I know that's extreme but we were driving through my apartment's parking lot (not on the highway or anything).  It would NEVER cross my mind to just drop trash on the ground or throw something out my car window.  I just hold onto it until I find a trash can.  I COMPLETELY DO NOT understand why people litter.  It shows lack of respect for the earth and for other people.

    Wasteful ways are upsetting, too but that is more open to interpretation/opinion.  Littering is littering.

  3. To tell you the truth, they both upset me.

    Littering is just horrible.  I hate driving down the road and seeing either trash on the side of the road, or someone throwing trash out of their window.

    One time, I was driving home, and someone in front of me threw a McDonald's bag out the window.  If that wasn't bad enough, a half-eaten Big Mac was smeared on my windshield.

    On wasteful ways, I think that we could definitely change our habits to not waste as much.  Examples being, buying in bulk, and free-cycling (giving your unused/unwanted items to someone who wants them/can use them.)

    I never litter (anymore), and I try to limit my wasteful ways.

  4. I want to know why people think the world is their personal garbage can. They can't throw their garbage out in a can at their destination? Who do they think is going to clean it up? Obviously 'someone else'.

  5. Wasteful ways, littering falls into that category.  People need to realize that the foam cup they get coffee in every day has to go somewhere, why not use a mug that will last for a while?  Is it really that hard to do small things to cut down on what we are doing to the Earth?  Like the Cree Indians said.  Only when the last fish is eaten, when the last river is poisoned.  Only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten!

  6. Littering is just plain rude.  as a reformed smoker, I'd have to say all the butts that end up on the ground - usually right near a receptacle purposely placed for butts, really annoyed me. I don't get why placing litter in the appropriate receptacles is so beyond the general public.

  7. Littering & non-recycling ~ it all makes me angry. I've seen people in a fast food drive through dump their old drive-through trash out the window, thinking (I guess) that the people who work there have nothing better to do than pick up the trash that they are too lazy to put in the trash can themselves. Naturally, the wind picks it up first and tosses it all over the neighborhood. Multiply that by a couple dozen morons a day @ 365 days a year, and you have a huge mess on your hands.

    I remember the anti-littering commercials on TV from when I was a kid; "Every Litter Bit Hurts", "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute", etc. They need to bring these back for the numbskulls who don't think about the ramifications of their actions.

  8. I think they both tie into each other, for example oil spills are caused by carelessness and not being careful enough of where you bring your ship. Which is a form of littering and can cause a lot of damage not just to the enivornment but to the animals also. It has a HUGE impact on the animals.. Anyways.. Seeing people litter makes me so angry. It's like, you are too lazy to take it to the garbage can and throw it away, so you throw it on the street or where ever. Wasteful ways.. is a whole other story. That makes me mad too.

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