
What makes you most irritable when flying?

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I know we all have irks about flying. Just trying to a pulse. I, for one, hate being seated at the isle. Always end up with a small bruise after constant bumping with the trays.




  1. Having children or fidgety people in front or behind me. I cannot stand kids who kick the seat in front of them or people who are always rocking in their seats!!!

  2. People in the seat in front of me who suddenly recline their seat to the full extent.  Sometimes the seat design makes it hard to do this gradually.

  3. Rude flight attendants!  Nothing is worse paying $1500 for a flight, and then having the flight attendants just throw your food on your tray or act annoyed when you ask for something.  And it really makes me mad on international flights when I see them being downright mean to somebody who doesn't necessarily speak English, in that they ignore them when they ask for something, or speak to them like they're ignorant or really loudly like that does anything.  You signed up to work on international flights, you should learn how to deal with people from other countries!

  4. Armrest hogs and kids or people kicking the back of your seat.

  5. Bathrooms, they're quite nasty, specially on 22-hour long flights. And lack of space in coach.

  6. Full aircraft

    I have skipped flights to go on the half empty one later

  7. The way people have their seats fully back or when they're moving and the seats shakes too much while your eating. The way my ears pop or can't hear and the toilets, when everybody has a good sleep afterwards there is a big queue for the bathroom. Sometimes when you are walking in the aisle and the cart is blocking the way and you badly want to sit down. I know loads of things I say are too much but hey, I am starting to get use to it...

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