
What makes you physically ill to see?

by  |  earlier

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For my husband it's blood, he starts gagging if he sees it. My daughter can't deal with bugs. For me, I can't stand to see anyone vomit or to see a woman breastfeed. I break out in a cold sweat and start puking myself.




  1. Well.. one time we were driving in the car with me, my mom, and little cousin who was about 3 at the time... We were horsing around/play wrestling a while before at the hotel and then in the car I noticed I had a booger on my arm, which I knew was his... I got so immediately grossed out that I opened the door to the car while we were coasting and puked all over the parking lot...

    And then just recently my friend and I were swimming and I got out of the pool to jump in and she had snot coming out of her nose and it got in the pool and I started puking...and I couldn't go back in, it was gross..

    So snot? lol...

  2. You puke over breastfeeding - that one is kind of wierd.

    Mine is the scene in "American History X" where the guy "curb stomps" a guys face - actually thinking about it is making me sick - I'm going to find a different question.

  3. For me it would have to be some one who picks their nose, doesn't wash their hands after, then serves food to some one else.

  4. Blood and frogs

  5. I can't stand seeing someone vomit either, i would follow on.

  6. blood n guts...makes me go pale and want ot faint...some spiders..people being stabbed of stuff on that i daren't look depends

  7. Raw chicken skin >.<

    I've had to deal with it plenty of times but I always feel so queazy touching it. Ikh.

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