
What makes you proud of where you are from?

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Where were you born and where were you raised? Are you proud of this/these places, or did you move around? Do you want to get away from where you live? Where would you like to go instead? What's stopping you?

I, myself was born in Perth, W.A, Australia, and was raised here. When I was 16 I went over east, but found myself right back in Perth 4 months later and have been here yet again for years. I'd love to move to Wales to be with my gf but I find saving really hard to do, as when I grew up it seems I was only taught how to spend and not save. Luckily now I'm living with my mother instead of my father, and starting to learn how to save and I'm on my way to get to where I'd like to go.

Tell me your stories and dreams, problems and the way you resolved them, I'd love to hear.




  1. I was born in the US and I'm ashamed. When I go on trips outside the country I usually claim to be Canadian cause of the shame.

    Most people from my country are too xenophobic and it makes me sick.

  2. my mom is thai, my dad is austrian and i was born in vienna. i've lived in thailand and in austria, but not very long:(. of course i go there as often as possible in holidays. when i was three we moved to prague, then to kiev and after a short period in phuket, thailand we moved to beijing for almost 8 years. last year we moved to shanghai and here i am... since i grew up in beijing i would call it my home. but austria is my home as much as thailand is. everytime someone talks about their vacation on a beautiful thai beach i think: "yayy, i'm thai, baby:P" and austria is a beautiful country too. i'm especially proud about last nights effort in the football game agains poland:D

    i've been switching from german to international schools ever since and i have to admit most of my friends are german, and my german sounds... well not-austrian:P

    especially in things like football i wish i could just go back to europe... all this getting up at 3 in the morning to watch a game cant be too good:D

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