
What makes you proud of your country?

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What mosly makes me proud of my country is the nature, we have beutiful lagoons, lakes, volcanos, we have beatiul beaches in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. I m from Nicaragua, it comes from the word WATER in Nahualt.

We also have great writers and \poets, like Ruben Dario, we have famous artists, painters, musicians, I will never end if I say all the good thins thaat my country have.




  1. Wales.

    The fact that we've managed to keep our language and culture despite attempts by the English to eradicate them, see

    and the fact that we managed to get bilingual signs and a TV channel in our own language, after years of trying.

  2. Let me try and explain cause it's hard to pick just one thing.

    Scotland is a country that has alot of stereotypes. Most of them untrue. The Scots are seen as a race that are tight fisted alcoholics but we laugh it off. We, as a nation, have an ability to laugh at ourselves as a country, as people and also laugh at the world too =)

    Scotland has a history, a proud history of sacrafice and war. I'm not saying war is a good thing but Scotland have a reputation of coming off worse in them, but not once has it dampened the spirits of the Scots. We just don't stay down.

    You look in Scottish cities, such as my city, Edinburgh. The place is steeped in history. You have beautiful old buildings, there's a castle and yet, in a place that values the past, you have a city moving forward with time. Edinburgh's a mix of old and new.

    Scotland is a country of culture, holding many festivals throughout the year in cities such as Glasgow and Edinburgh. In Edinburgh, there is the Edinburgh Festival, for all kinds of shows, loads of comedy, ya have the Military Tattoo at the castle and at the end of the year, to see in the new year, theres the hogmanay street partie's!

    Scotland also has a distinctive accent, we have regional accents but the scottish one is noticed right off. Plus, though we speak English, we have our own way with it. Nearly creating our own language in the process.

    And, we can use the internal organs of a sheep, mince them up with some herbs and spices, give it a name and use it as a delicay. We have Haggis, which sounds disgusting but is really beautiful =)

    All of what i have written, and more, which i haven't wrote, makes me proud to stand up and say, world, I'm a nippy wee lass, but I'm proud to be a nippy wee Scottish lass!


  3. Intigrity

  4. Our famous tourist spots, architecture, huge shopping malls, rich history, culture, food, and lastly, people!

    Marcelino from the Pearl of the Orient,

    Philippines! =)

  5. the united states marines.  siemper fi brother in arms.

  6. the way we fight bravely in palestine

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