
What makes you proud to be in your present relationship and what is holding it together?

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What makes you proud to be in your present relationship and what is holding it together?




  1. I'm proud that I am with a driven kind of man who holds his family in high esteem and is putting his all and current into making sure we have a good and financially free future.

    What holds the relationship together is comfortabilty to be who we are, we never feel pressured to be what we're not. We were close friends first and so we never went into the relationship with false delusions....and we have a bright beautiful baby boy wh makes it all worthwhile.

  2. Hubby and I are ying and yang. We are so totally different yet so much the same. What hold us together : we respect each other and we don't (only sometimes when we fight) put the other one down.

  3. My husband and I had a very hard time when we were young, my parents hated him but I persisted, today they love him. We were extremely poor with huge study loans, really extremely poor, today we have really done so well for ourselves, our 2 kids cemented our relationship that is for sure, nobody but my husband can appreciate the way I love and cherish my kids and vice versa. What is holding it together now that we have accomplished everything and bought nearly every thing we always wanted?.....Well aquirius it is love, and friendship and humour.

  4. I'm proud to be married to a very intelligent person who to use the expression "give without taking"

    We do not try to change each other, and that is holding us together.

  5. My present relationship is my marriage and it is kept well intact by respect and love of which the latter is not possible without the former. And I am proud of it because we both respect each other.

  6. I think the communication is holding us together, and it is also what makes me proud. My partner and I connect even without saying; even without telling. We even have the same thought at the same time, and most of the time we say something in unison. It's like we have this cosmic connection.

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