
What makes you "mental"?

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I'm starting wonder if im crazy. there is really too many things to list, that make me think this. like i really just dont know all i know is hate myself sometimes because of the way i think.

-i get paranoid about me having cancer

-i picture bad things happening to people i love. (like after i got hit by a car i would picture my sister getting the **** knocked out of her by a car whenever we crossed the street) and it makes me just stop and my face goes numb for like ever.

-and i cant get other really sad and depressing things out of my head.. i think of all the animals who dont have food and what not..

-i cant be alone at night. i wake up at 4am and cant get back to sleep untill its light out because i start thinking about scary stuff.




  1. This is what makes us human, my friend! We worry too much because it is our nature! But it's a good thing that we worry because otherwise, we would be clumsy and not aware of what dangerous stuff is going around us.

    It's OK to be mental; don't listen to anyone who says they've got nothing to worry because believe me, they're hiding something themselves!

  2. well, whether you actually have a mental illness...I don't know.  Sleep disturbance can be a symptom.  I'm trying to figure out if the fearful thoughts you have could fall into the category of any mental health symptoms.  Possibly paranoia, but you seem to understand that your thoughts are unpleasant fantasy, not actual reality, so I don't think that applies.  It could be obsessive or intrusive thoughts maybe, since these thoughts seem unwelcome but you are unable to turn your mind off to them.  Has anything happened to you that shook your sense of security or was disturbing or traumatic to you?  If so, you might be struggling to cope with whatever happened, and it might be helpful to talk about it with a counselor.  But I'd need to ask you more questions - based on what you describe, I am not yet convinced that it's a sign of anything more than a little fearfulness that you are likely to outgrow.

    But what it comes down to is - if you are concerned, get evaluated.  If you have insurance, then call your insurance company and ask for referrals.  If you don't, then do a google search to find the government funded mental health agency for those without insurance for your state - they will offer free evaluations as a part of the registration process.  

    Either way, any evaluation will be looking to see if these symptoms are interfering with your ability to live your life.  Are you losing sleep to the point that it's hard to function the next day?  Are your fearful thoughts leading to avoidance of certain situations or people or places?  And, are there other symptoms going on with this?  Do you feel depressed a lot, do you cry frequently?  Do you have swings in mood?  Are you irritable or easily upset?  Do you have difficulty focusing or concentrating?  Have you lost interest in doing your usual daily routines, is it difficult to find the motivation to do stuff?  

    Of course there's the more dramatic symptoms, such as contemplating or attempting suicide, anger to the point of violence, hearing voices or seeing things, or substance abuse/addiction issues, and an evaluation would check on those as well.

    But don't describe very many symptoms.  I think this is just a little insecurity that you are likely to outgrow.  

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