
What makes you so sure your belief is the right one?

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What makes you so sure your belief is the right one?




  1. Two possibilities:

    Logic, which really doesn't reinstate belief. Its more for supporting opinion.

    Faith: This is the main focus of religions (aka beliefs). It's the inner completion to your answers, to end your searching and to succumb to a greater answer above human logic.  

  2. ...i believe in myself and continue to accomplish much in LIFE...

  3. I just believe I will find out the truth when I die.

  4. you can't be sure if a belief is right or not. that is inherent nature of belief. also the danger of it.

  5. Assurance in God's word (Holy Bible).  It's just a solid knowledge that you have in your soul (intellect and feelings).  

    Plus God knows how to make Himself known to His people especially when they have accepted His son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  

    It's an amazing assurance/knowledge that sustains us through good times and bad.  It's not a hope, but a knowledge.

    One more thing, almost all prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled to the letter.  Only the prophecies dealing with the last days have not been completely fulfilled yet, but are very quickly getting in line.  The most amazing one was the return to Israel and it becoming a nation again in May of 1948.  

  6. I'm not sure my belief is the right one, but it's the only one that makes complete sense to me when I think about it in relation to sceince (which has so far been true). However, I'm still waiting to see if it can be proven wrong, after all, anything can be proven wrong with twisted logic. ^^

  7. forgetting that anything is possible and that things are not always as they seem

  8. It has been critically selected from among infererior competing beliefs.  I could still be wrong though.  There is no certainty, only critical selection and arguement.

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