
What makes you think Robhino knows very little about the Premiership.........?

by Guest67070  |  earlier

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and even less about Man City ?




  1. Lol he knows nothing. Some say when he got the bid from Manchester City, he thought it was from the City of Manchester which means that Man United made the bid for him and that's why he accepted.

  2. what-a-waste!!!!

    soon he'll realise that he isnt playing for man city but for bradford city!

  3. Robinho may be a genius with his feet but not with his head. He has made one good decision in his life, and that was to at least never consider a move to Liverpool.

  4. i think robhino never cared about which club he joined.

    when he joined madrid, he didn't care

    now also he doesn't care.

    to the question:

    ummm.. his saying that city are a "very big club"?

    i agree that city are " a big club "

    but not very big

  5. He is going to find things very tough over here. The initial problems of settling in a totally strange country and the language barrier are hard enough for someone carrying such a huge reputation, but he is going to find the physical game of the Premiership something he has never encountered before. I await with anticipation. Look at the reputation Shevchenko had !  

  6. I don't think Robhino actually cares, he knows one thing for certain about the premiership, he'll be getting paid 150,000 pounds a week, thats all he wants to know!!!

  7. I dont think he knows that the only trophy City have won in the last 30 years is from the championship

  8. Robinho has only played against one EPL side in the Champions League when he was at Real Madrid,and that club is Arsenal in the 2nd round of the 2006 Champions League.He also said that to become the best player in the world,he needs to play in a big club,and that club is not Real Madrid.But what he doesn't know is that Man City have never won any silverware for 27 years and that Man City aren't a big club yet.

  9. i think he will realise it for himself throughout the premiership that is not even near the title especially with threats like man.utd,chelsea,arsenal and liverpool

    its going to be really tough for them and that is a very ambitious target

  10. Manchester City is now belong to Abu Dhabi United Group which is part of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. ADIA is a stated-own company (United Arab Emirates). It is estimated that ADUG is worth somewhere between £600billion to £800million  These guys have money to throw around. A month or two ago, after failing to get Ronaldinho, they still said they are won't stop trying. Right now, they are trying to get C. Ronaldo for $210 million. So these guys are serious.

    As for Robhino, players like him probably has a bunch of people handle their business. They'd know the different between City and United.  

  11. when he thinks he can win silverware with man city when they are not even considered as one of the big four in epl?

  12. food for thought!!

    Outside of the UK in footballing cicles Manchester United are simply known as Manchester. So a Brazilian goes and signs for Manchester and was then horrified to find it was city who he has never heard of or knew existed!!

    Bet hes GUTTED!!LOL

  13. i think he thinks hes signed for united lol

    hes clueless.... he desperatley wanted to leave Madrid after they offerd him as makeweight for Ronaldo

    hes seen the cash involved and 4t riteo lol  

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