
What makes you think that Sarah Palin, like Mitt Romney, would be ready to lead the country on Day One?

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If McCain should die or fall ill?

Mitt Romney went to school at Stanford, BYU, and Harvard LAW. An elite education. Where did Palin go?

Mitt Romney speaks several languages, including Spanish and French. Spanish is the language of 22 countries around the world, and French is spoken in over 30, including several countries which have important military or economic ties to America. He can talk to many world leaders directly in their own language. How many languages does Palin speak? Even McCain speaks Spanish.

Mitt Romney directed the private equity firm Bain Capital Management, and knows Wall Street and economic issues front to back. What (if any) high-level Wall Street or financial experience does Palin have?

Mitt Romney knows a thing or two about diplomacy, having lived in other countries and led several trade delegations as governor. How much of a diplomat is Palin?

You see, my fear is that Palin is so inexperienced provincial that, if she must take the reins, she will be ENTIRELY at the mercy of her ADVISERS - the same neocons who led Bush into the multitrillion-dollar Iraq fiasco.

I think an honest conservative has no choice but to vote Barr. Convince me otherwise.




  1. Mc  doesn't want his VP like Romney..He like women that doesn't know any thing easy to train..agree with him all the time..

  2. You're asking what if McCain dies and Palin takes office... What if Obama is elected? Exactly.

  3. First of all, she will not LEAD the country, she's the VP, V.....P.... you know what a VP is?   V i c e    P r e s i d e n t.    

    What makes you think young Obama has the experience to lead the country anyway, since he is running for P......p r e s i d e n t.  

    Besides what if Obama dies, look who will lead the country?

    Your question is rather discriminatory against age.  Is just as bad asking if a black person is ready to lead the country...

    You afraid of strong women or som'?

  4. Oh give us a break!!!!Obama knows how to vote present, and how to deliver a speech, someone else wrote!!! Give me a break!!! Our #2 is more experienced than your # 1!!!!

  5. Palin like McCain, has actually been in charge of people. Hussein or Biden have never has any kind of executive experience.

  6. romney would have to check with his lawyers........

    palin would have to check with her kids.....

  7. McCain's bonehead move will cause him the presidency. Get prepared for at least 4 years of Obama.

  8. BARR is infinitely better than Bush, McCain, Palin, Obama, and Biden, because he will do far less evil than these candidates who will support the military - industrial complex at a cost of lives and well-being of the average American and average Iraqi.

    However, BARR fails to recognize the correct role of government. France, Canada, and Austrailia all have very effective single payer universal health care systems. The average French person lives 3 years longer than an American despite the French person's fat-rich diet.

    The only candidates that I'd prefer to BARR would be NADER or MCKINNEY. Governments have a role in the lives of its citizens, albeit a much smaller role than the one the current administration has taken on.

  9. Because she has more political experience than Obama does !!


  10. Ask Sean Hannity and El Chubbo Limbaugh they can put a spin on anything...

  11. Oh please.  You're afraid of a strong woman,

  12. well shes a hunter, like VP d**k Cheney. and she knows how to shoot, shes a hunter, so she can deal with terrorist.

    thats it

  13. Unless she is a selfless and extremely gifted leader who has great intellectual ability and has a strong sense of moral and social responsibility -- I would be afraid to have her as one of our leaders.

    The U.S. cannot have more leaders who are handicapped by their intellectual limitations -- personally vindictive or with bad tempers at our helm and it doesn't matter what party they come from.  .We need people in office to fix the damage done to our people and to our worldwide prestige.  That job requires exceptional people..

    The Obama ticket holds the promise of real change, fairness, compassion and a champion for the average joe citizen - like me.

  14. Barr is a flip flop but a Libertarian. Barr is the way to go. Palin is just some backwoods hick that shoots guns  

  15. is not so hard to lead this country

    you sit into a room full of advisers to tell you what to do

    oh well only bush find the way to s***w things up not matter what

  16. Just read the top of question.  Not details.  The answer is easy.

    VP candidates are not chosen based on whether or not they could step in and be President.  They are chosen to get votes.

    Was VP Chaney chosen so he could step in if Pres. Bush could not complete his term?

  17. No way am I arguing with the solid case you made for Romney. Lots of people feel just like you do. Don't be afraid to vote for Obama just to nail the point into the coffin. That will really show everyone. It's not like you will have the deciding vote in the election. Imagine if they get elected then you can tell people in the coming years,"The whole mess made me so sick that I actually voted for Obama."

  18. Why are you wasting time comparing Palin to Biden?  The simple fact is that Biden isn't McCain's running mate.

  19. yawn,she is the only one who has control over her states national guard and had to deal with russia on a daily basis.she ripped up her own states government and weeded out the bad element.she took back state funding and gave it to the people.reduced state property taxes by 60%.took on big oil and won.what has any of the others done in a year and a half?

  20. You are absolutely correct.Romney would have been a far better choice.

      Presidential scholars say Palin appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.But google (Obama vs. Palin experience) and you may be shocked to find dozens of sites claiming Palin has far more experience than Obama.This is simply not true.

      What I find even more shocking and surreal is that people are actually buying into this B.S..God help us all.

      Your vote for Barr is a responsible choice.Too many conservatives are willing to settle for the lessor of two evils;which is no way to cast a vote.

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