
What makes you think you are better than me?

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What makes you think you are better than me?




  1. I Just am

  2. The belief that i am more important, which is a direct result of not having walked in your shoes. but lend me your shoes and i will still be better than you for i will have lived the life of two men

  3. This will be odd indeed to answer such a question, but since life has tossed a coin and dropped your question in my lap i will not reject it but give what i have to give.

    First let me address the me which is who you believe yourself to be you have the idea that i am somehow separate from you, yet we breath the same air and are made of the exact same things. Next you suppose that others (which only exist as opposition to the ego) think that they are better than you (which by the way is again your thought) You think they think this way it is not actually their thinking, YOU HAVE APPLIED YOURSELF TO BEING 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE MY FRIEND. You have done so in that you have a thought that you think others have and then you assume that they actually have that thought from your own ego which people have made into an entirely different entity within themselves.

    The answer to your question ultimately is do you think others are better than you; because their thoughts you cannot know unless they voice them. Also even if someone else says to you they are better than you they are wrong, what makes a person better or worse but a comparrison. Make no comparrisons and all beings are equal.

  4. Mostly ignorance.

  5. Say, I Am You~ Rumi

    I am dust particles in sunlight.

    I am the round sun.

    To the bits of dust I say, Stay.

    To the sun, Keep moving.

    I am morning mist,

    and the breathing of evening.

    I am wind in the top of a grove,

    and surf on the cliff.

    Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,

    I am also the coral reef they founder on.

    I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches.

    Silence, thought, and voice.

    The musical air coming through a flute,

    a spark of stone, a flickering in metal.

    Both candle and the moth crazy around it.

    Rose, and the nightingale lost in the fragrance.

    I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,

    the evolutionary intelligence, the lift, and the falling away.

    What is, and what isn't.

    You who know, Jelaluddin,

    You the one in all, say who I am.

    Say I am you.


    Your embrace some form

    saying, "I am this."

    By God, you are not this

    or that or the other

    you are "Unique One"


    I AM YOU. How could I be better than that which I am?

  6. Because... i have 3 eggs ;)

    Stupid question :))

  7. The same thing that makes you better than me. Common sense.

  8. No one is actually Better than the other.

    Everyone is better in his or her own sense.

    Think Positively......

  9. if you were better than me ... you would not ask this question. ha ha ha


  10. your cleverness, stupidily, foolish and over rating yourself tell me all the times. I never say i am always better u. it is u who tell me i am better than u. hahahah.........

    e.g. a clown and a donkey in front on me by presenting whatsoever they wanna to show off. silly monkey!

  11. Man is living on this earth because of words 'I', 'Me'. 'My' and when these words are lost to us, we die.  We use these words till we are talking.  Man is living on only because he is thinking that he is the best person created by God.  It is written in so many books that when God created this man, He said in his ears,"You are my best creation.  I have never created a person like you and I shall never create a person like you in future.'

  12. What makes you so paranoid that you think I think I am better than you?

  13. There are atleast two innate reasons for that thought -

    One - Everyone has an inborn understanding that he/she is a teacher and expects to teach by learning from the life experience he/she is living. But the problem is that we do not see that every other person on this planet is also born with the same inborn understanding. As such every person 'feels' that he/she is better than the next person because without that feeling there could be no teaching. So everyone is living life from there own perspective and wants others to understand their perspective but at the same time since they are not aware that others are also here to experience and teach, there comes frustration and then an illusion that if someone else does not understand your perspective then he/she is just not good enough to understand it (or in other words 'I am better than him/her')

    Two - The illusion that you and I are different. When one understands that everyone in one's life experience is simply a reflection of him/herself, then there will be no reason to be judgmental about self or anyone else. Then life is good because you simply observe others and learn and others who understand this will observe you and learn from you. So simply by living your life, you are leading a unique example for those who understand. And is that not great. Is this world not a beautiful place to live in where everyone has his/her unique place and can teach and learn from self and all that is around without having to judge and without giving up one's freedom.

    So to sum it up 'I am better that you' is as much an illusion as 'You are better than I am'. If we are merely a reflection of each other then if you find something to appreciate in me, you are actually appreciating yourself and if you find something that you do not appreciate then that is also just a reflection of you.

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