
What makes you throw up?

by Guest11054  |  earlier

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I have to go to someone house and i need to throw up to get out of it i dont got gag reflects and im not taking any medical **** is there a smell of food together of something gross to look at at that helps ypu throw up




  1. Just tell them you're not feeling well. It's crude, disgusting, and unnecessary to include the nasty details.

  2. 2 girls and one cup

  3. Don't make yourself throw up! That's unhealthy and gross. Try my style of getting out of situations or going to school when i was younger : just say you have diarrhea. No one's going to double check your story -- i promise you that!!! LOL

  4. Just say you've been sick and can't make it,you don't nhave to physically throw up in front of them.

  5. Don't make yourself throw up!  Just make yourself look really sick, wash off make up, leave your face we and clammy, then take a cup of water and pour it little by little into the toilet.  Flush.  Flush again.  Make groaning noises from the bathroom (realistic, not over the top), then crawl into bed. Tell everyone you are super sick and can't go anywhere.

    Or, if you put your head near the toilet, sometimes toilets aren't always super clean, even if they are clean!  Focus on some little crud on the toilet and what it might be.  Think about it a lot; it is bound to make you want to barf.

  6. to help me throw up i watch a clip called "2girls1cup"

    its both hot and disgusting lmao!

  7. Just cough, really really hard, over the toilet. Open up your throat as much as you can and don't swallow at any point during this.

    I'm not bulimic btw, I'm just good at faking sick.

  8. drink a glass of water really fast

    then take your index and middle finger and stick them in the back of your throat, then move your fingers in a circular motion for a while, this should take maybe 5-20 seconds

  9. drink a can of fizzy stuff really fast and dont let the gas out and if u kinda make you are being sick it will come up up soo get near a toilet or something lol

  10. coffee and lemon juice (no sugar)

  11. eat bad sushi! (:

  12. well the main thing that makes me throw up is seeing other people throw up.=X..

  13. which make me throw up      meet.....

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