
What makes you wanna pounce on a question?

by  |  earlier

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I find some of these questions really interesting, but with limited time afforded, I've decided to keep my opinion to myself and let others have their fun. No need in letting dust gather under my shoes when the reception isn't all that inviting anyways. What's you opinion on this?




  1. You do have an opinion that counts, so express it.

  2. POUNCE,  I couldn't do that and be first if I broke my neck to do it.

    One finger typing just isn't that speedy. LOL.

    Would like your input on questions also.

    We don't have to be in the top 10.

    See you around friend & have a great Sunday. ~~~~

  3. My favorite questions are the funny ones.  I love the funny answers too!  I come here to laugh and have fun.  If it stops being fun, I'll leave.  

  4. I like that word "pounce"!  I don't answer much, but sometimes the urge to voice my opinion hits me.  Like that word "pounce".

  5. Depends on the mood and time of the day that I come on. Many are repetitious and have been answered before so i avoid those. I have friends that I always will answer and others that are so rude they don't warrant an answer or opinion. So I RAMO.

    So it is different each day.

  6. I do it just for fun.

  7. I like answering provoking questions.

    I hate how there are so many freaking religious questions on here.  Questions about a religion are understandable but so many people are like "Will God answer my prayer?" Come the f*ck on....  and then there are like 40 of the exact same question worded differently.  Also, why do so many women ask Yahoo! users if they are pregnant instead of just taking a d**n prgenancy test at the store or going to a fertility clinic?

  8. If it's not dealing with "how do I look" , Jonas brothers etc. Sometimes I just click and read and if the answers are interesting I'll add my 2 cents.As far as being welcome .no one should feel that they can't answer based on what others might say.  

  9. Cheap thrills mostly.

    But that's how I get my kicks RT 66.

  10. everyones opinion counts, and if the question seems interesting  click on it, but I don't always answer because some of the things I have to say are negative and uneccessary

  11. I first started out in YA by just reading everything . . . Q's  - A's - Profiles - everything for a week before I got my feet wet.  Now, I'm addicted ! ! And you are invited here any time you like. . .  

  12. If it's in my realm of knowledge I'll bite on it!!!

  13. usually it is the person not the question -- like i know who has nothing but jokes so i pass on them -- and some ask the same old 'do you remember ..." so here again i pass -- now the ones that ask for an opinion i pounce on and hope that i do not get reported -- block yes reported no!!!

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