
What makes you want to see a movie?

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The actors in it? The director? The story? Good reviews? Good word of mouth (from friends, family, acquaintances)? Think of the movies you want to see, what is the primary reason you want to see it?




  1. The story, to be razzled and dazzled

  2. if the preview looks good....and if the actor i like is in it

  3. boringness

  4. good trailer, word of mouth.

    or if i've heard of it from the internet.

  5. First the cast, then the storyline.

  6. all of those.

    if johnny depp is in it.

    if its directed by tim burton.

    if its breakfast at tiffany's (cause i always seem to want to watch that)

    its kinda everything.

  7. Previews, Actors/Actresses, Good Reviews, Word of Mouth.


  8. The visual effects.

  9. Definitely the Story for me

  10. cool previews...

  11. Good reviews. Good word of mouth (from friends, family, acquaintances) and also the actors in it.:-) Or just because I wanna go out with friends.

  12. It depends really, usually the number one thing is the story. It has to have a good/creative/original story for me to want to see it. The next thing would have to be actors, if it has an actor I like I will see it but if it has one I can't stand then there is no way I'm going to see it.

    it depends really

    I usually don't go by word of mouth because there have been a few movies that my coworkers/friends/everyone raved about saying 'this movie is the best movie ever' 'this movie is hillarious' and then I go see it and it ends up being horrible.

  13. the story, the notebook, iknow how original

  14. actors in it.

  15. For me, it usually begins with the actors.  For instance, I don't think I have ever been disappointed with a Denzel Washington movie.  For the most part, I am also very interested in superhero movies.  So I'd say genre would be my next reason.  Unfortunately, other than The Dark Knight, nothing has really peaked my interest.  I only average one movie per year in the theaters.

  16. Most of the time it is actors but sometimes its the previews and you can tell if its a stupid or good movie from the previews

  17. The trailer that shows all of the best clips in the movie so that you no longer have to see it.

  18. commercials they show the good parts of a movie than it makes me wanna watch it

  19. what the story is about ya know?

    i meann it could be super lamee story line and you wasted 8 bucks.

  20. the documentary film genre .  whne film explore new idea, new trend, bring past event tp presemt time,. good example " Man on Wire" . a great film stroy, involve historical footages, reenactment, interviews.  

  21. actors, directors, and good reviews. i think its a little bit of everything. especially if i really like a certain actor or director i will like going to see a lot of their movies since i liked their previous work. also word of mouth, if a lot of people say it sucks i wont see it lol

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